How To Be Emotionally Mature In A Relationship


How to be more emotionally mature? Emotional maturity is an internal state that you can rely on to get through difficult stages or to get the most pleasure from pleasant situations in life.

See how emotionally mature you are and what you still need to work on. Mature quality singles:

  1. You realize that most ugly things are done out of fear and anxiety, not out of bad temper or stupidity, which would be the simplest explanation. You let go of your complacency and stop thinking that the world is inhabited by monsters or fools. At first, you begin to distinguish shades of colors, and over time, life becomes much more interesting. This is a very important quality of a mature person.

  2. You begin to realize that others can't read your mind. You realize that you will have to voice your intentions and feelings, and you can't blame others for not understanding unless you yourself start talking to them calmly and clearly.

  3. You understand amazingly, but sometimes you are also wrong. And, having gathered all your courage into a fist, you take the first steps towards (sometimes) asking for forgiveness.

  4. You will learn how to become more confident not from the realization of your magnificence but from the fact that others are just as stupid, scared, and lost as you are. We deal with it as we go, and that's okay.

  5. You no longer suffer from impostor syndrome because you accept that there are no "people in their place." We are all, to varying degrees, trying to play roles, trying to refrain from senseless and reckless actions. Such awareness is inherent in people who know what mature relationship communication is.

  6. You will find out how seriously “little things” affect mood: sleep duration, blood sugar and alcohol levels, background stress, and so on. As a result, you no longer begin to understand important or controversial issues with loved ones until you rest, sober up, and eat. No anxiety and haste are signs of emotional maturity.

  7. You realize that when close people grumble at you, take revenge or do some unpleasant things; it's not that they are just trying to "cheat" you. Perhaps they are trying to get your attention in the only way they know how. You learn to recognize in your loved ones the desperation behind their strange actions, and, with luck, you can explain them through the prism of love, not condemnation. These are important characteristics of a mature man.

  8. You stop holding grudges. If someone hurts you, you don't accumulate hatred and pain. You remember that life is short, and you don't expect others to understand what's wrong. You speak directly to them, and if they understand, you forgive. And if not, then you also forgive, but in a different way. These are some of the important characteristics of emotional maturity.

  9. You understand that life is very short, and therefore it is extremely important to try to say what you really think, focus on your true desires, and tell significant people that they are incredibly important to you. Perhaps every day.

  10. You stop believing in the ideal in almost all areas. There are no perfect people, work, or life. It means being mature in a relationship. You realize that there are a lot of pretty sad things in your life, but there are also a lot of pretty good things. At what age does a man emotionally mature? You learn that there is beauty in not expecting too much from what happens, and as a result, you become more calm, patient, and forgiving. You lose some of your idealism and become much less irascible.

  11. You will learn that in contrast to weaknesses, any person has strengths. And instead of focusing on weaknesses, you look at the whole picture.

  12. You realize the benefits of compromise. How to be emotionally mature in a relationship? In some ways, you have settled down, and you understand that this is not a weakness but maturity. Perhaps initially, you are together with someone because of the children or because you are afraid of being alone. Perhaps you put up with some inconvenience because you know that a cloudless life is an illusion.

  13. How to be mature emotionally? You don't fall in love that easily. It's difficult, in a way. When you are less mature, you can fall in love in an instant. Now you are sadly aware that all people, no matter how charming or mature they may seem, will show their other side upon closer inspection. You begin to trust what you already have.

  14. What age does a woman emotionally mature? You will find that you are quite difficult to live with. You're not so sentimental about yourself anymore. You start friendships or romantic relationships by warning others about how and when you will not be easy. When do men emotionally mature? They also become emotionally mature when they accept and understand themselves.

  15. You learn to forgive yourself for mistakes and stupidity. You understand how thankless it is to dive into yourself to punish past mistakes.

  16. You realize that your maturity requires reconciliation with the childish stubborn part of your personality, which will not disappear anywhere. You stop trying to be an adult all the time. You accept the fact that we all have moments of setback, and when your inner two-year-old shows up, you are welcome and given the attention you need.

  17. You no longer expect great happiness that will last for years. You enjoy the little things that happen. You realize that pleasure can last for minutes. You rejoice if nothing critical happens during the day. You are very interested in flowers and the evening sky. You develop a taste for small pleasures.

  18. You care less what others think of you. You understand how gloomy it can be in the minds of others, so you don't try to whiten your image in their eyes. The main thing is that you and a couple of close people should be ok. You score on fame and start relying on love.

  19. You take feedback better. Don't you think every critic wants to insult you or is mistaken? Now you're thinking that maybe some things are worth adopting. You begin to understand that you can listen to criticism and survive it without trying to isolate yourself and pretend there is no problem.

  20. You understand that the desire to live as fully as possible day after day is directly related to your problems. You increasingly remember that you need to comprehend what hurts you. You often walk in nature; you can get a pet and enjoy the view of distant galaxies in the night sky.

  21. You are no longer offended by the unsightly actions of others. Before you get angry or upset, stop and wonder what they meant. You realize there can be a difference between what the person says and your interpretation.

  22. You understand how the past affects your perception of events and learn to compensate for the distortions that result. You accept that because of the way your childhood was; you have a tendency to exaggerate certain things. You are careful about your first impulses in certain situations. You realize that sometimes you shouldn't follow your feelings.

  23. When you strike up a friendship, you realize that other people may want to know not about good news but about what is bothering you so that they are less lonely and hurt.

  24. You learn to deal with anxiety without convincing yourself that everything will be fine. Because it won't, you learn to think that even if everything goes wrong, you will survive it. You understand that there is always a plan "B," that the world is huge, that there are a few kind people who will always be there, and that the most terrible events will eventually end.

How to become more emotionally mature?

  • Step 1. Intention. It is important to set the intention to be emotionally mature, take responsibility for your life, and start building it yourself. Without intention, we won't get anywhere. The intention is what will remind us of the chosen path and encourage us not to deviate from it. Unlike a goal, the intention is dynamic. It drives us to take the first step (often the hardest) and move forward daily.

  • Step 2. Self-knowledge. Often we live on autopilot, do not notice our true feelings, emotions, and needs cannot independently choose how to respond to a particular event. Self-knowledge plays an important role in emotional maturity in a relationship.

  • Step 3. If someone makes us angry, we scream if upset by crying. But this can be changed. In order to learn how to manage your emotions and reactions, it is important to constantly monitor yourself. You can start a special diary and write down in it all the feelings, experiences, manifestations, and situations that gave rise to them. Think about what is behind your automatic reactions - what character traits or needs are hidden behind them- to understand what needs to be worked on. The key idea of ​​self-knowledge is to recognize that there is something in us that interferes with a happy life and requires changes.

  • Step 4. Self-education. It is through self-education that we have the opportunity to remake what we do not like in ourselves. Educating yourself means cultivating morality, virtue, and sincerity in yourself, learning to manage negative emotions, and choosing how to react in various situations.

  • Step 5. Mindfulness. In order to notice your negative manifestations, you must be able to be aware of yourself in the moment, “here and now.” Only when you learn to look at yourself from the outside and watch how emotions form and come out will you be able to choose your reactions. Mindfulness is a skill that needs to be trained. Meditation, yoga, and concentration exercises will help you learn to be aware of what you are currently living in reality.

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