Dating Your Best Friend: Pros And Cons


Can you date your best friend? Sometimes a platonic connection has to stay platonic, and sometimes the feelings start to flare up with a such force that they cannot be extinguished. But there will be a moment of awkwardness in a   with a friend.

Dating Your Best Friend

How to date a good friend?

  • Be honest with him and with yourself. You can flirt subtly with your friend to see if your feelings match theirs. But do this only if you are ready for reciprocity. Be direct and honest - this will save you time and relieve you of torment and tears. It often happens that people are in love with each other but are afraid to admit it. Ultimately, their life turns into a long torture. Confess your feelings, but do not push - the person must decide for himself whether he is ready to transfer your connection to a new plane or not. A date with a friend will always have some risks, but that makes the connection interesting.

  • Ask yourself the right questions. Am I ready going on date with a friend? Why did this person become your friend? Can you rely on him? Is he pleasant in communication? Will he always lend a shoulder? Does he share your interests? Or maybe he is the complete opposite of this portrait: windy, inattentive, and prefers fun and carefree life, but now this is what attracts you to him. Now think carefully: can such a person become your boyfriend? Or his role in your life should be reduced to the title of “best friend ever.”

  • Start developing connections little by little. How to date your best friend? In this case, speed is not the best solution. In the beginning, you will have to overcome awkwardness, learn to perceive a friend as a man, and rebuild communication. This takes some time. Sex requires special restraint in feelings. Do not rush into intimacy until you establish an emotional connection because if something goes wrong, it will not be so easy to return to the old friendships. Your connection will become a burden for both of you.

  • Do not discuss your connection with mutual friends. Rules for dating my best friend. Of course, you will want to share the details of your new connection with mutual friends, but for now, there is nothing to talk about - be silent. In any case, they will not be able to express an unbiased opinion about your novel. This is, firstly, and secondly, there are "advisers" who will tell you not to take risks and maintain warm, friendly relations. There is no direct path from friendship to a romantic connection - for some time, you will still vacillate between the first and second.

  • Don't idealize your connection. It seems to you that you know all the flaws and virtues of your friend-boyfriend, but in fact, in a connection, he can reveal himself from a completely different, unexpected side. Be prepared for the fact that some of the towers in your castle in the air will collapse under the pressure of reality and new circumstances. 

Pros of being with a friend

  • You won't waste time getting to know each other during a date with your best friend. You already know and understand everything. He will not be "not your" person. It happens that you meet a man, you sympathize with him, and during the conversation, it turns out that you are like from different planets. 

  • You don't have to pretend. Every woman is a great actress. We can say that we are in the image 24 hours a day - especially in front of gentlemen. But with a friend, there will be no need to play touchy. He knows who you really are.

  • You will know that you have done everything for your happiness. You are not a wise minnow to hide at the bottom in fear, "no matter how something happens." Life gave you a chance to find happiness, and you took advantage of it. And was not.

Cons of the date your friends

  • If you break up, you lose both a friend and a boyfriend. Do not even hope to become good friends again if the pair of you do not work out. That doesn't happen. So the blow will be double: you will lose both your boyfriend and your friend. Therefore, decide for yourself whether it is possible to date your best friend or not.

  • You are bound to lose a friend. It used to be that you could tell him everything in the world. Because he was a friend, when he becomes a lover, some things will be awkward to discuss.

  • No surprise effect. The most exciting thing in the early stages of a connection is getting to know the person. What kind of coffee does he like, how much time does he spend in the gym, what is the name of his dog, and who is his favorite designer? With a friend, there will be no such pleasant surprises. And he is not destined to be surprised and delighted when he first sees you in leather trousers. After all, he has already observed you in a variety of outfits, even in a Halloween costume.

  • You will start fighting faster than other couples. You are used to expressing everything to each other in no uncertain terms, and you are unlikely to stand on ceremony in a connection.

  • First, intimacy can be awkward. And even funny because you shared so many intimate details with each other. And now you two. However, this moment will quickly come to naught.

Should you date your best friend?

Everyone says that the strongest romantic connections are between mates. But no one talks about all the worries that come with the decision to start dating your mate. But this is a real risk because if something suddenly goes wrong, you will lose not only a   but also a friend. A person whose friendship you value more than anything on Earth.

  • Both of you may be afraid that the other person will not love you back because if it does, it will be a little embarrassing.

  • You are afraid of losing your friends if something goes wrong because usually, friends take the side of one or the other person from a couple.

  • You've been single for too long and don't know how your friends will react.

  • You are afraid of hurting one of your best friends, and you are trying to protect him from you.

  • You are afraid that your friend will recognize you from a bad side.

  • Your ideas about a romantic partner are out of touch with reality.

  • You compare your connection not only with your past but also with his past because you are aware of everything that happened in their life.

  • You are afraid that you will start to trust him too much and open up too much.

  • You are afraid of your dependence on him.

  • You think something is wrong with you, and you don't deserve the selfless love of others.

  • You don't believe in happy endings.

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