How to approach a girl?

16.04.2018 is definitely wrong just to sit and wait until a girl approaches you first. A real man will always show perseverance, take everything in his hands, and start looking for a suitable candidate for the role of a girlfriend. If you are among the confident guys but have not yet met that one for some reason, then don’t waste time and think where and how to get acquainted with a girl.

approaching women at bars

In fact, there are plenty of places to approach women in public. The main thing is not to look like a loser when trying to start a conversation. After all, in fact, you don’t lose anything. And it doesn’t matter where exactly this acquaintance will take place – whether it is a restaurant, a plane or a street.

By the way, contrary to the negative opinions, such places are the most suitable for approaching women in public. In these places, they practically don’t stand out from the crowd, so they behave naturally, without the inherent creativity, which is often manifested in their behavior in the conditions of increased attention. And if you correctly orient yourself and don’t make mistakes at the moment of dating, then success is guaranteed.

Best ways to approach women

Almost all young people and girls want to get acquainted, but everyone has fear in their souls. Do women approach men? Yes, but not so often. Girls are afraid to get acquainted in public (or consider it indecent) and guys are afraid of refusal. However, there is one tip for you: on weekends and in the morning, it’s even easier to get acquainted. Just smile at a girl, say a few compliments to her and ask for a phone number. After all, everyone is in a hurry and there is no time for unnecessary conversations.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can be met everywhere. Your goal is to attract her attention and start a conversation. When approaching women on the street, everything is important: appearance, the manner of speech and, of course, the first phrase. Increase the chances of getting a positive reaction with the help of the basic principles of dating:

  • Keep a distance and don’t break the boundaries of her personal space.
  • Smile and look into her eyes.
  • Don’t hide your hands behind your back or in your pockets. Girls are afraid of this.
  • Be unobtrusive, calm, and polite. Even if you are rudely “fought back”, just apologize and move away.
  • Don’t mumble and don’t be shy approaching women in public. Any hesitation will characterize you as an insecure person and girls don’t like such men.
  • Don’t lie and don’t embellish your dignity, otherwise, you will be regarded as a braggart.
  • Don’t be gloomy. Easy humor will always play to your advantage.
  • Remain a riddle for a girl, which she will want to solve.

Approach women at the gym

Nowadays, men lead a very active lifestyle. So, it turns out that often the only place to meet a girl and create a serious (and not so) relationship is the gym. How to get acquainted with a girl in the gym so you don’t have to regret the unsuccessful attempt?

approaching women at the gymAttend the gym regularly

Attend the gym at the same time when she comes. A girl, after all, is definitely going there at some specific, most suitable time for her. Let a girl get used to you, see a familiar face in you, maybe she even begins to say “hello”. A girl should really see that you are here to work on your body (because you are here for this, right?).

Choose the right moment

For a girl, it is extremely important that men look at her. Contact that is established by eyes, a short glance, the desire to be always in front of the object of your adoration and after a while, you can see that she pays attention to you. But most importantly, don’t overdo, otherwise, you’ll scare your girl. Do you need it?

Choose the moment

Most girls are in the gym to work in it. Many are single and not averse to having a close relationship with a person who also adheres to healthy views on life. However, none of them will like it when you come to them to get acquainted in the midst of a grueling workout. Girls don’t mind talking with you during stretching, breaks or when they have finished training and are about to leave. On the other hand, some girls absolutely hate when men approach them while they do some exercise. They are concentrated and here some man comes and starts asking them questions. Thus, you will cause only irritation.

Be yourself

The absolutely banal advice in practice means only that you don’t need to pretend to be a pickup artist. Approaching women at the gym, the easiest way to get acquainted is just to come and say “Hello!” And don’t forget to smile. And one more thing: some girls don’t want to communicate with a guy who smells bad. Therefore, after cardio training or exhaustingly long strength training, it is better not to approach a girl.

Be careful with compliments

You have to make good compliments. Therefore, focus not on her appearance but on her victories in sports. Praise her technique, her muscles, and all the other things. When you already communicate casually, praise her successes like this: “You have excellent muscles, it’s impressive!” And just don’t lie!

Give her time

The gym is a hobby that quickly becomes a habit. During the training, hormones of joy are produced and a sense of self-confidence makes people be sure that every training makes them better. Go there more often, talk to her, pretend that you just want to make friends (but don’t be too nice). Now try to find out if she has a boyfriend. If not, then invite her to go out after training, for example, on Friday. A girl will not refuse.

Approach women in bars

Contrary to popular belief that dating in nightclubs and bars, as a rule, doesn’t lead to serious, long-term relationships, such establishments are one of the most popular places where you can find a good girl. Someone visits bars to just relax after a hard day’s work, someone – to distract from problems and troubles, others go there in search of acquaintances and communication, dance and fun. So, how to approach a woman in bars?

When you come to the bar, don’t immediately get acquainted

First, you need to look around, get comfortable. This will help you cope with the initial excitement and correctly identify the potential “goal” by filtering out the girls that are not attuned to acquaintance.

Communication with a barman is something that helps you gain confidence

This is an additional factor that attracts the attention of girls. A guy, who communicates freely with a barman, receives from a girl (at a subconscious level) a positive assessment and a certain confidence limit: he seems more interesting, communicative, active, gives the impression of a frequent guest of the bar and the life of the party.

Choose the moment, come up, and contact a girl

Approaching women at bars, notice whether she came with friends or with a boyfriend. If she is with friends, then it is better to wait for the opportunity to talk one on one. If you came with your friends as well, then almost a win-win option is to approach girls. Thus, communication will be much easier, more fun, and more interesting.

Invite a girl to dance

This is a particularly advantageous way of dating for those men who move well and are not afraid of the dance floor. Communication in dance and touches help get closer and cope with the initial awkwardness that is present at the beginning of acquaintance.

approaching women on the streetSave her from an adoring admirer

Very often in bars, cafes, and clubs, there are situations when girls suffer from increased and sometimes coarse attention of men. Helping get rid of the annoying man is the sure way to win her favor and admiration. She will experience relief and gratitude and is unlikely to refuse to date her savior.

Be active

A very effective way to approach women in public and attract their attention is to demonstrate your activity (a man who dances, plays billiards, bowling a priori is much more interesting than a typical alcoholic at the bar).

How to get women to approach you

Do you dream that girls themselves come to you and get acquainted? Do you think that this is something from the realm of fantasy and this is shown only in films? No, it’s real. Of course, for this, you need to pump your skills. Sitting on the couch, you will not achieve anything. Cool girls fall in love with cool guys. We will give you some useful tips that will help attract young ladies.


The first thing that a girl will pay attention to before coming and getting to know you is your appearance. You have to focus on it and work out all the details. How to understand that you really look good? Look around and ask yourself: do you stand out among the guys around? Remember that relevance is another important criterion. That is, you should be dressed nicely to stand out, but don’t look like a freak. Analyze beforehand where you go, choose right clothes, and think up everything to the smallest trifle. Don’t forget about your hair and pay attention to your hands because many girls very often look at them. It is a fact.

Focus on the details

In order to attract the attention of girls, you need to use their own techniques. What do they do before they go anywhere? They choose their clothes, apply makeup and stuff very long. I’m not saying that you should do the same. But you must partly copy their behavior. What details are important? For example, you can have beautiful cufflinks or an unusual tie. You just need to choose one detail and build the whole image on it. Girls really appreciate men who know how to dress well, so use these little tricks.


The appearance is not enough to initiate acquaintance. The internal state is extremely important as well. Even if you have a good body, you look cool, but you are not sure about yourself, you are always nervous, then you are doomed to failure. However, there is one “but” here. If you look like a real man, then a girl will wait for the first step from you.

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Carefully watch what emotions you send. If any girl looks at you, you don’t need to take your eyes off and pull something in your hands. Your look should be direct and express self-confidence. You can look at her in return and smile a little, signaling that you are open to communication. Your face must express good nature, openness, and confidence.


The trait that girls appreciate in men is the sense of humor. If you have charisma, you simply attract people around you. Demonstrate your leadership and instantly stand out against the background of the rest.


Remember that a girl needs to be given time for her to gain the courage and come to you. Surely, you yourself need to make some effort to get acquainted with a girl that you like. So, it is a hundred times more difficult for women to start approaching men. All girls from the very childhood hear that the first step should always be done by a man. That’s why, first of all, she needs to overcome the barrier within herself and gain the courage.

Comments (1)

My experience shows that the gym is not the best place to approach women if you see that they have come exactly to work out and not to get acquainted with someone.
16.07.2020 15:36

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