How To Date An Asian Girl?


how to date with asian girl

If you are driven by Oriental culture and not afraid of the unknown, you will rely upon the opinions of people with experience of a kind. Here is what to know when dating an Asian girl — a short guide helping prepare yourself for a cultural gap and getting your new spouse ready for the same. You do not have to read it carefully as nobody will make you walk a green mile for your disobedience.

Chinese ladies, conversely, are highly submissive, and nothing could deny their bashfulness except for your western boastfulness. Yet, despite her humility, a woman from the Far East is a dynamic character and can stand up for herself. No wonder so many men want to date such a blend of traditions and modernity and successfully learn how to act in communication at GoDateNow

Before You Start Your Search Online

Surprisingly, some individuals have no idea how to talk to Asian girls without pausing, lacking materiality in their Mandarin. Supposing you want to date a Chinese woman and will do anything but learn to decipher hieroglyphs — you are on the right path. You will find some tips helping you make a good first impression even if you are completely deaf.

Your stale “I want to date an Asian girl” master plan will only work if your intention to find a slant-eye beauty online is genuine. But, of course, it can never be stressed enough to focus on communication reflecting cultural peculiarities. Remember that our Dating Blog has already saved many hard-earned coins with distant dating trips. 

So, here you go:

  • Learn about Asian cultures

Asia is not “one” as there are more than twenty countries with diverse national circumstances, behavioral patterns, and dating attributes.

  • Get ready to run the show

The dominating patriarchy imposes responsibility on you for many things, including initiating communication. 

  • Remember your manners, be courteous

Dragon flame burns you down for your glittering enthusiasm overshadowing your manners. 

  • Share yourself, completely

Your Filipino jasmine will blossom with all her heart only if she feels reciprocal sincerity.

  • Show a sign of respect to her family 

Do not ever dodge meeting her parents — Asian ladies have strong ties with family members.

Asian Women’s Beauty Standards

Although somewhat trashy, many sources you found offering a winning opportunity to learn how to find an Asian girl to date did their job. At least, you got yourself thinking about the ambiguity of modern life, setting unrealistic expectations resulting in actual outcomes. It is like encountering a refined Chinese (Thai, Korean, Vietnamese) lady on your laptop — easy as pie.

The matchmaking industry is skyrocketing across the globe, pointing you toward where and how to pick up an Asian girl. When you find an expert dating tool, your regular meditation in solitary splendor with a mug and a dog will be immediately over. Just check this girls’ online gallery to ensure your expectations of a date are accurate and true.

Asian concept of beauty standard comprises the following:

  • White face skin

Symmetrical facial features with smooth white skin attract most western men. 

  • Big eyes 

In China, many women want a caucasian “double eyelid” look having the eyes seem more significant. 

  • Long hair

Long thick black waving hair flowing down her wasp waist — what could be more beautiful?

  • Petite stature

Asian girls are not all tiny and vastly vary in size but generally slimmer than their western counterparts.

  • Pale body skin

In China, Korea, Japan, and Thailand, skin whiteners are no longer a matter of prestige, but a means to hide aging. 

how to date with asian girl article

Things to Avoid When Dating Asian Women

Many single men tend to implement a more generic approach to Oriental dating, misinterpreting women’s actions. That is why dating an Asian girl could be a riddle for a guy unfamiliar with her cultural background. Hence, it is essential to comprehend that women of this race are very conservative, and their lacking confidence is to your advantage.

When you learn how to pick up Asian chicks, following the rules of intelligent interaction on dating sites is a win-win issue. Dragon burns you to ashes if you start playing around or dare to mention relationships with other women. She will count it as your betrayal and cut you short — you do not want her pretending to be rude, confess. 

So what are those inappropriate things standing out of context?

  • Applying stereotypical thinking

Eastern myths may distract you from discovering her natural talents and qualities to apprehend her personality, bypassing faulty conclusions.

  • Getting your social status overvalued

Your premium membership will increase her interest but let your personality speak first.

  • Fetishizing her descent

Do not hypersexualize women from China or the Philippines by applying Hollywood screen patterns to avoid suffering the consequences.


Now you have picked up a piece of knowledge about online dating women from China, Korea, Thailand, or the Philippines. Overall Asian culture code derived from the genetic code of each nation grants zero tolerance for people with zero tolerance. In other words, if you are quick to apologize, your Asian girlfriend will never show her disappointment no matter how severely offended she feels.

Silent as a white snake, she will sneak into your life with a reptile’s grace before you even know it. You will recognize her true self exposed to you with its inclusiveness beyond all myths. Just pick the right Asian dating site and be happy with your woman.

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