High Maintenance Woman And How To Date Her


What does high maintenance girl mean? There are women who are not afraid to make demands on men. They are young, beautiful, and brave. If they only want, they will always find a man who will do everything they need. Some call them bitches. Call it what you want, but it is these women who have a sense of their own value and significance.

Why do men love bitches? Because such women stimulate them and put conditions before them. They get to a man not just like that, for beautiful eyes, but with trials through which they must go. The trick is that a demanding woman motivates a man; she makes him grow, rises up, become stronger, and achieve more. This is the definition of high maintenance girlfriend.

You've been in a relationship for a while, or maybe you're just eyeing some beautiful friend. Everything is fine, but the brain is torn by a serious question: “Did I make the right choice?”.

There is nothing strange if you ask yourself this. You no longer need just sex; you need strong relationships that, in the future, can be developed into something meaningful, up to the creation of a family.

It takes the perfect girl. Yes, it is ideal, but not suitable.

High Maintenance Woman And How To Date Her

12 signs shes is high maintenance

  1. She loves herself. Why are you "selfish"? Then, living with a girl who does not love herself is a real punishment. If a girlfriend values herself, knows her positive qualities, and is confident, then living with such a girlfriend is much easier. You don’t need to reassure her forever; you don’t need to support her every second or console her after every failure. When a friend appreciates herself, she becomes more independent, and this removes a number of problems that may arise in life together. So dating a high-maintenance girl has a lot of positive aspects.

  2. She smiles 80% of the time. No, she does not have Down syndrome; she does not need to be tied up and sent to a psychiatric clinic - she is just a cheerful person, which is insanely good. When a friend smiles 80% of the time, she makes your life happier. You yourself become a positive guy who can move mountains on his way. Of course, if there are any misfortunes like car accidents or the death of aquarium fish, then you can forget about a smile, but life does not consist of misfortunes; life is a story of joy, not sorrow. At least life can be like that if you approach it from the position of an optimist, and for this, you need an optimistic girl.

  3. She treats her father well. Psychologists are not charlatans. Many of them argue that the problems of a woman with her father are projected onto sexuality and already their own family life. From here, grow the roots of many senseless scandals that can drive a man crazy. You can be polite, respectful, and a good guy, but at some point in the relationship, you will start to remind your father's girlfriend why she will start to get mad, go on the rampage, and destroy a good relationship. Therefore, remember a simple formula: "If a girl treats her father well, then she will treat you well."

  4. She supports you in everything you do. Suppose a girl only supports you in the safe and proper things like going to university, finding a "normal" job, and buying a car. In that case, she is essentially doing something that you can easily do without - you can do all this yourself without hesitation in their actions. It is essential to find a girl who can support you not only in such matters but in all other things; this is also the quality of high maintenance girl meaning. For example, suppose a “brilliant” idea comes into your head to quit your job and open an Armenian cigar shop. In that case, a sane girl will say that you are an idiot and will try to dissuade you from the idea in every possible way, but a loving girl will support you. Thanks to this support, even the craziest idea will be successful.

  5. She knows how to love and receive love. We constantly come across people who do not believe in love - there are a lot of them, and their unbelief is based on the absence of love in their lives. Some are not able to love at all; they live quite comfortably without this feeling. They replace love with things, faith, and work. And love must permeate every atom of life together. If this does not happen, then why live together at all? She knows how to love and receive love. And here, a lot depends on high-maintenance woman meaning. Some friends know how to love and, most importantly, know how to use love. Understand, some people are programmed to suffer - they torture themselves and others. It is better not to mess with such girls, no matter how sorry you are for them - look for loving girlfriends.

  6. She forgives you for being idiotic. You can make mistakes. Some of them will characterize you as mentally retarded; some will make your friend blush. In general, every person does stupid things, but it's good when a friend does not condemn you for them but, on the contrary, can laugh at them. If she is angry over such trifles, it is better not to mess with her - it will only worsen. A good friend should be able to forgive any shit.

  7. She doesn't need antidepressants. There is no sadder person than a guy who married a girlfriend who is not all right with her psyche. Be careful with this.

  8. Books are more important to her than clubs. High-maintenance woman characteristics do not mean that you need to look for a girlfriend who will exchange a fun evening for a boring book. The party craving of a friend should know the measure. If a girl constantly runs away to clubs on Fridays, even without you, you are a donkey who does not understand how things are in reality. If she knows how to combine fun and interesting and smart activities, then this is always good - in this case, she is more harmonious. Think about who is more interested in talking to a girl who has visited 100 nightclubs or a girl who has read 100 books.

  9. She loves you despite the hard times. What is a high-maintenance woman? Everyone has bad days. Sometimes in your life, there may be not just a bad day but a bad month - a black streak of life that will pump out all the life-giving juices from you. As a rule, for relationships, such periods are moments of truth. If a girl will love you even in moments of complete devastation, then this is a good girl. If a girl cannot tolerate you at such moments, then it is better not to count on her - she will turn her back on you at the most difficult moment of her life.

  10. She knows how to be silent. What are high maintenance woman signs? With a good girl, you can talk not only interesting but also interestingly keep silent. If you can say that about your girlfriend, you have chosen a beautiful woman because you do not have that awkward feeling of silence. On the contrary, you get to know a person, even more when you just look at him, admire him, and understand without words. Silence in a relationship should be natural.

  11. She doesn't make a fool of you in public. Ridicule from a girl in a circle of friends or some ridiculous jokes looks disgusting. A friend should show her respect for you, and you should show your respect for her. If this does not happen, then from the outside, the relationship looks very depressing. Dating a high-maintenance woman should bring joy and strong relationships.

  12. You have the same sense of humor. What makes a girl high maintenance? If your friend thinks you have an offensive, dumb, completely unfunny sense of humor, consider breaking up with her. Find yourself a girl who is on the same wavelength as you - loves the same comedians and laughs at the same jokes. Living with a person who thinks that you are immoral in your jokes is such a mess.

If you are ready to find a suitable partner, then register on GoDateNow. You can look at photos of different girls in the Girls online gallery before asking them out on dates. If you want to know more about love and relationships, then read Our Dating Blog.

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