How To Build Interdependent Relationships With Your Partner?


In order to achieve harmony in a couple, it often takes a lot of effort. But sometimes, people go to extremes and confuse the concepts of “codependent” and “codependent” relationships.

Emotional interdependence is dependence on a relationship with another person. It makes a person give up their interests, important needs, and life values. Emotional dependence can be very difficult to recognize, as its presence is often confused with strong love feelings. Many people live in unsatisfactory, destructive relationships, believing it should be “Suffering means loving” and not understanding what could be different.

Love is not suffering and torment but the union of two mature people who feel good and comfortable together and who do not collapse in interaction with each other. They do not need to control their partner, defend against him, manipulate, or "fix" or save. And they can realize themselves and make independent decisions while maintaining the self-respect of everyone. Love does not prevent a person from realizing his potential, from loving, in addition to a partner, the whole world, and himself as a part of it. A loving person seeks to create and not to sacrifice himself, to engage in dialogue, and not to obey.

How To Build Interdependent Relationships

Interdependence in relationships

An interdependent relationship is a very case when you are comfortable with your chosen one and you are very close, but at the same time, you do not capture each other 24 hours a day. Each of you lives your own life, organically fitting your soulmate into it.

Codependency vs interdependency. A co-dependent relationship is literally the impossibility of coexisting without each other when in your life, apart from your partner, there is nothing else that causes pleasant emotions. This isn't good, at least because this person can disappear from your life, and then it will lose its meaning. In addition, codependence often flows into toxic forms in which partners are able to harm each other. Due to self-doubt, jealousy arises, which in some cases can develop into cruel forms.

To build harmonious relationships, it is important for you to know the interdependent relationship definition.

How to build a relationship based on interdependence?

In order to feel as free as possible and stay in a trusting relationship, you need to set boundaries from the very beginning and inform your partner about your preferences, lifestyle, habits, friends, character traits, and plans. In each of the points, you must come to a common denominator. Otherwise, be prepared for numerous quarrels and insults. The ability to find a compromise is the foundation of long-term relationships.

What is the benefit of interdependence? Another important rule when striving for harmony in a couple is trust. Having understood what is an interdependent relationship, you can begin to strive for them. Both of you should be very familiar with each other's social circle. Firstly, it strengthens the positions of partners in front of each other (they won’t introduce anyone to their loved ones just like that, this is a clear symbol of serious intentions), and secondly, it stops any distrust and unrest if one of the couples suddenly decides to spend the evening not in companies with others, preferring friends.

Interdependent relationship examples

Respect for choice is what distinguishes interdependent couples from codependents. They do not behave selfishly in situations where the "soulmate" obviously needs to be given more freedom. In order to understand what is interdependence and what type to classify yourself as imagine: your young man was offered to go abroad to the match of his favorite sports team. Get to such a limit of his dreams. The event takes place once every 12 years, and if you have not been approved for a visa, what will you do? You may not believe it, but it turns out that sometimes staying at home is the best option. Breaking other people's dreams for the sake of your fears of being alone for a few days is, at least, stupid.

Interdependent relationship = free?

Giving freedom of choice and the right to privacy to a partner other than you is not about an open relationship. An open relationship would have a romantic connotation, even if the couple agreed not to cheat on each other physically. What does interdependence mean? Interdependence is a classic relationship in the general sense that allows two people to be a couple and, at the same time, important social elements.

Of course, such couples are not an example to follow. They quarrel, which is normal, and even break up because everything happens in life. The main thing is to do what resonates with you while not infringing on the rights of your couple and not misleading them. All difficulties can be solved through communication, not manipulation, if we are discussing healthy human interdependence.

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