What do you know about sex on a first date?


Sex on the first date, what do guys think? Every environment has its own rules for the first date, often derived from stagnant patriarchal dogmas. There is a myth that a man is polygamous, but a woman, on the contrary, is monogamous. This kind of stereotype is needed precisely to limit a woman's freedom, including the freedom to use her own body as she wants.

In fact, your sexual needs and sexuality generally have nothing to do with your biological sex. They are influenced by attitudes towards sex, upbringing, personality traits, and even unclosed gestalts. So all the rules forbidding sex on the first date are nonsense, and any sex on the first date statistic will confirm this.

What do you know about sex on a first date?

Is it bad to have sex on the first date?

Sex on a first date isn't as scary as it's made out to be. If we discard all stereotypes, dogmas, and toxic attitudes, the answer here is quite simple. Listen to your body and your desires. If you're on this date just to sleep with someone cute, but don't plan on getting into a relationship, getting married, or having kids, just do what you were going to do. If you don't want sex on the first date, don't have it.

How to have sex on the first date?

So how to create such a strong attraction that even a sensible conservative girl who is used to following public opinion, established rules, and decency norms, simply give up under the onslaught of the passion that has arisen? To do this, you need to bring to unity the 3 elements of seduction: Logic. Emotions. Logistics.


Surely you have heard the statement about the absence of female logic more than once, as well as the opinion that in seducing girls, one should not try to influence female logical thinking, but it is important to strike at the very center of the female essence of emotion. And, to a large extent, this is true. However, logic is a junior assistant in the early stages of developing a relationship with a girl. She assists in dealing with women's objections and establishing the necessary level of trust. Also, logic plays a big role in the adequate perception of you by the girl. If there is a break in the logical chain in your behavior, for a woman, it becomes a red flag he is lying, not finishing, or is up to something bad. Logic is not as important to seduction as emotion or logistics, but it has a significant impact and should not be discounted or ignored. In communication with men, logic is often the basis of the conversation, while emotions remain at the back of communication. The purpose of male communication is searching for rational ideas and exchanging useful, practical information. In men's conversations, emotions such as joy, excitement, or sadness are usually used as highlights for conveying lackluster information to make communication less insipid and formal. In interaction with women, the complete opposite of emotion is observed - content and logic are assigned the role of external design. In practice, this means that just as you use different emotions to influence the opinion of a man in an attempt to convince him of something, you, exactly the opposite, should use logic to overcome or create the necessary emotions in a woman. That is, you do or say whatever you want and then add logical framing to your aspiration.


The ability to evoke the right emotions in a woman is a key skill for successful dating girls. It is emotions that increase the percentage of women that have sex on the first date. It should be noted that some women have also mastered this skill, which they practice on men without a twinge of conscience. Charisma, charm, elegance, confidence, and animal passion make you the most emotionally attracted to women. And you can develop all these skills. And this does not mean the need to play the role of a nice guy.


And now for the most important thing, because without the logistics, sex on the first date will remain an unrealizable oasis in the middle of your love desert. Logistics is the process of moving a girl to a place of sex. In other words, you guide the girl through the necessary stages of seduction, overcoming various obstacles along the way that can arise from the moment you invite the girl on a date to the intimate end of a wonderful evening in a secluded place. You will be able to sleep with a girl, even when you have problems with logical communication or the skill of establishing an emotional connection if your girlfriend has already decided that sex is inevitable or she is in the right mood. But without taking the right steps in the optimal sequence, you most likely will not be able to turn a new acquaintance into one who will bestow her love on you today. If you lack charm, charm, or confidence, you can simply invite a girl to an interesting, unusual place, the atmosphere of which, without your active participation, will make your friend like you. Such an uncomplicated step will help to come to the moment we had sex on the first date.

Should you have sex on the first date?

Sex on the first date is neither good nor bad; it is a matter of goals and desired results. Why not if a woman feels her inner need for sex without commitment? Yes, you go on a date purely for sex; you haven’t had it for a long time, and the body requires such physical relaxation; you want to diversify your sex life, etc. These are all realities of life. But at the same time, you should not have false hopes of forming stable long-term contact with this partner.

It is a completely different matter if you are in the mood for a long union and the creation of a family. In general, it is possible to build an argument "for and against" sex on a first date only by understanding the nature of human sexuality and the goals of a particular person. Understanding the difference between the two types of orgasms is also necessary. The entire human sexual cycle passes through the nervous system with phases of arousal, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. The transition from one stage of the sexual cycle to another is possible only if the psyche is ready for this. The orgasmic stage can have two distinct manifestations: physiological resolution and psychosexual orgasm.

Physiological orgasm is a physical relaxation that is easily achievable on your own or with an arbitrary partner who does not carry any value for you. That's exactly the kind of orgasm you can get on a first date.

The second sexual sensation that everyone wants to experience is the deepest physical and mental pleasure. Having experienced a psychosexual orgasm, a person in the future will not be subjectively satisfied with only physiological relaxation.

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