Tips For Dating With A Language Barrier


How to date someone from another country? Dating a person who grew up in a different culture can be interesting, but remember that even if you have a similar experience, the cultures of your countries can hugely impact your behavior and expectations from a relationship. Nothing is impossible, however, and cross-cultural romances are happening more and more frequently.

Tips For Dating With A Language Barrier - image 1

What are intercultural relations?

Culture includes the characteristics of a certain group of people: language, religion, food habits, social norms, and even different tastes, for example, when it comes to music.

If you work abroad, you probably like the culture and habits of the country you have chosen, and you will probably find the expression of these habits attractive to your partner.

Some of the things that he/she might do without thinking might seem cute and surprising to you, while others will look weird and funny and sometimes problematic. It is important to understand that some things can annoy you in each other and be ready to discuss them.

How to deal with language barriers?

Communication is the key to any successful relationship. Dating someone who doesn't speak your language is a real challenge. If your potential partner doesn't know your language, but you want to keep in touch, you have to put up with the fact that you probably won't be able to understand each other 100% %. At first, you may feel uncomfortable; you may feel that you are not expressing what you want to fully express. You can search for tips like four ways a language barrier can be overcome to make it easier for you. Despite the fact that English is widely spoken almost everywhere, it is not the first language for everyone. Keep in mind that the person you're on a date with may not feel as confident when talking to a native speaker, and this can lead to some misunderstandings.


Every culture has its own habits, and even when it comes to basic things or essentials, such as eating habits, you need to remember to date someone from another country. Food plays an important role in the Mediterranean countries, while in the Nordic countries, it can be seen as a mere need. In Southern Europe, people tend to build their days according to their diet. We are not talking about a personal daily routine. In countries like Italy, for example, no one actually eats when they feel hungry, people eat at the set meal times. Everyone knows from a very early age when it is time to eat and what is best to eat at each meal (for example, sweet or salty).

In Germany, for example, although it is not far from Italy, the rules are not so strict, and although everyone has a general idea of ​​​​the time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, where they can be ignored or postponed. Such things may seem strange at the beginning of a relationship, but if the habit is so deeply ingrained, it is difficult to get rid of it, and this can lead to a little disagreement in the relationship when it comes to making common plans.

Falling in love with someone from another country

Speaking of food, this is one of the "unknown variables" when it comes to first dates between people from different cultures. As we mentioned, people from different cultures structure their day differently, so when scheduling an appointment for the evening, it's a good idea to ask if it's an invitation to dinner or a simple outing at what could be considered "dinner time." This will avoid misunderstandings and a stomach rumbling on a first date.

Suppose you decide to go out to dinner together; discuss who pays and how. The countries of South America, for example, are known for good manners and gallantry. In a stereotypical date between a man and a woman, it is the man who invites the woman, pays the bill, and hands over the coat. In many European countries, gender roles are slowly changing, and when it comes to dating, it's not uncommon for a language barrier girl to invite a guy over, split the bill with him, or even pay him in full.

Misunderstandings in multilingual dating

There are other factors that can make a relationship a little tense. In America, for example, there is a tendency to introduce a partner to the family very early, almost at the very beginning of the relationship. For other cultures, this may seem alarming or unacceptable. For those who are used to it relationships with a person from a different culture, where dating occurs after many months (or even years), not knowing the partner's family about you may seem like a sign that the other person does not take the relationship seriously.

 Another thing that may be strange in Mediterranean or South American cultures is the "social distance" that exists in many other countries. If you come from a "warm" country and meet a person from a "cold" country for the first time, don't be offended if, on your first date, he seems distant and doesn't stand too close to you during the conversation.

Dating someone who speaks a different language is never easy. Even if you start dating someone who was born and raised in the same small town as you, sooner or later, there will be something that you don't agree with. This is completely normal and is part of the process of accepting each other.

Dating someone who grew up in a different culture, speaks a different language, and professes a different religion can be scary. However, if you really like each other, this fear should not limit you; it should make you even more willing to get to know this person and his culture. In addition, relationships are a great opportunity for growth, and intercultural relationships will help you learn a lot about another culture first-hand.

If you are ready for such a relationship, then sign up for GoDateNow. To find a girl, you can open the section Girls online gallery. Also, read Our Dating Blog to learn more about relationships and dating.

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