What to do if my girlfriend doesn't like my pet?


What to do if my girlfriend doesn't like my pet?

My girlfriend hates my dog. When a pet, for some reason, dislikes your partner, this is one of the saddest situations for any owner. Experts told what the reasons are and how to change the situation for the better.

Is the dog showing jealousy or just afraid of your partner? Does a dog ruin a relationship?

One of the common causes of dog dislike is possessiveness. Some dogs are so attached to their owner that they will not tolerate someone next to them. Because of what you can hear from your partner, my boyfriend hates my dog.

Another reason the dog may simply be afraid of a new person is that he is a stranger to her. At the same time, the process of getting used to it can proceed differently for each dog.

What to do if your dog shows signs of aggression?

Growling and barking are alarm bells. If the dog constantly growls at your partner and treats him with aggression, this is an occasion to contact veterinarians or behaviorists. Perhaps your pet needs training, home supervision, or even medication.

How to help your dog and your partner get along?

My dog ​​likes my girlfriend better. If even after a while, your pet does not accept your soulmate in any way, the best way to get out of the situation is to create positive associations in the dog with your soulmate.

For example, if the dog has always been fed only by you, ask you're significant other to start feeding the dog more often; the better. He can also bring toys or treats to the pet. This is how a dog develops trust in a person.

My boyfriend's dog is ruining our relationship. There is always a way out.

So, it is quite possible to make friends with a hostile dog with your soul mate. The main thing is to be patient and calm - and if the dog's aggression does not stop, this is a good reason to contact a specialist.

What to do if my girlfriend doesn't like my pet?

In what cases can an animal separate a couple?

  • I love my dog ​​more than my girlfriend. When a pet becomes a pet. More than 27% of people say they often or always put their pets in front of their spouses. The importance of the animal is especially strong for single people because there is an emotional lack, but it can become more embarrassing when there is a partner: “If there is an over-investment in the animal by one of the couple members, this can be a problem because then the animal can be perceived as a rival." However, one should not exclude the other.

  • The girlfriend pays more attention to the dog. When it interferes too much in a couple's life. Almost 35% of respondents agree that an animal sometimes encroaches on their privacy, and 29% admit that it is sometimes present in the most intimate moments. Research has also shown that having a dog or cat in the bedroom is a true love killer for some couples." If you don't want to lose the relationship, choosing a dog over a relationship will be bad.

  • I hate my boyfriend's dog. When a cat or dog makes you jealous, one of the partners may feel excluded and jealous of the animal that is getting all the attention. Not to mention that the latter can become jealous if his place is not clearly established.

Place the animal in a pair. How to find the right distance?

Why does my dog ​​not like my boyfriend? Don't make too many personal projections about the animal. Some people may envy animals. In this case, we must ask ourselves about the reasons for this feeling of emotional insecurity. The need for recognition, fear of competition, etc. Is there a reminder of family or romantic experiences?

The psychologist advises saving some moments exclusively for the couple and others for the animal: it is important to find a dialogue between the couple's needs and the animal's needs. Everyone should be able to find their place in this cohabitation, and the couple should know how to exercise without a pet.

An animal, a seduction factor capable of facilitating a romantic encounter

A pet can make first contact much easier. Thus, 45% of respondents believe it is easier to approach a person with a pet. Indeed, the animal may favor an interaction that goes through a different register than direct seduction. 36% of respondents also say they are more attracted to people who have a pet. But also do not forget that many partners say I hate my girlfriend's dog. But to get rid of hatred, you can get an animal together. The very fact of jointly choosing an animal can completely unite a couple. The two partners are equal in investment in this project. When a childless couple chooses a pet together, it can be a replacement for the child we don't have yet. If the animal already exists, the psychologist emphasizes that you must find and take its place.

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