25 Things Girls Like to Hear From Men


What every girl wants to hear from a boy? When it comes to attracting women, knowing what they want you to say can be more than helpful. But what do girls like to hear? It's more than just telling a girl what she wants to hear. You must be honest and sincere. That being said, knowing exactly what to say to her can greatly improve your chances.

In many ways, things girls love to hear depend on the girl. You really need to get to know her a little before you go ahead and try to tell her what she wants to hear. The thing is, there are a lot of things that most women like to hear, and you can tailor them for every woman you know.

25 Things Girls Like to Hear From Men

Be sincere

Things women love to hear may be different for different girls, but the main thing is to speak sincerely. You can try to lie, but your girlfriend will immediately feel it, which is why sincerity is appreciated.

Things your girlfriend wants to hear

Every girl is different. You really want to focus on getting to know her first so you can tailor what you say. Not all women feel the same way about a certain compliment, but in general, this is what women like to hear.

  • That she is smart. You almost never go wrong when you tell a girl she's smart. You just have to choose when and make sure it doesn't seem insincere. It also helps pinpoint exactly why she's smart and in what way. If you make her feel smart, she will be happier than you can imagine.

  • You admire her drive and ambition. Obviously, for this compliment to really work, she really needs to have drive and ambition. If she doesn't, she'll ask what the hell you even mean. But in general, an ambitious person likes to hear it. More often than not, no one but them notices how hard they work. Most of the work people do isn't too obvious to people on the outside, and it will make her feel grateful if you bring attention to her.

  • You like her outlook on life. What do women want to hear? It is a compliment to the very essence of man. This is who they are and how they see life. This is very important and you want to make sure you mean it. By saying this, you can also show the woman how much you both are a match when it comes to these important things.

  • That she is your priority; when you're trying to show a girl how devoted you are to her, tell her that she's a priority for you. This is the most meaningful thing because it shows how much the guy cares about the girl.

  • She is unique. All girls want to feel special. They want to be seen as unique and different from other girls they've ever met. So, talk about it, and then elaborate on why. You can't just say it and think it's enough. Make sure the girl knows why, and it will mean more.

  • You take care of her. It's really simple, but it's hard for a lot of guys to admit it to women. If you care about her, just say it. You don't have to go into too much detail about it, but your actions should confirm it for her to believe you.

  • She is beautiful in more ways than physically. Basically, you want her to know that you think she's beautiful on the outside but even more so on the inside. Genetics is responsible for the beauty and not every girl can feel really beautiful.

  • She turns you on without even trying. This is a powerful phrase among all things a woman wants to hear from her man. This is what many women want to hear as an ego boost. Yes, women have egos too, and they want to feel sexy and confident. Tell her this, and she will be more than happy.

  • If she wants to talk, you are there to listen. It may sound like a very friendly thing, but girls really appreciate it. It's something special when a person takes the time to listen. Saying that you are ready to listen to her will make her feel loved. Just be sure to confirm it.

  • You will be there for her no matter what. She wants that commitment from you. If you really feel that way about her, then it can make a huge difference. She will feel more secure, loved, and she will understand how much you want to be in her life.

  • You want to support her dreams. It's one thing to say it; it's another thing to do it. So while women love to hear it, you need to take action to go along with it. If you say you believe in her dreams and want to support her, be sure to do so. Be there to cheer her up when she's not motivated and help her out.

  • You want her advice. We fully understand that men do not like to ask for help. In general, you'd better find out for yourself. However, to make your girlfriend feel needed and even needed, ask her for advice. You might be surprised at how much she can help with things.

  • That you appreciate her. Your girlfriend probably does a lot for you. Make sure she knows how much you appreciate her. Say thanks!" It makes sense but telling her how much you appreciate everything she does for you is simply the best option.

  • You make plans for the two of you. The girl really wants you to approach her and tell her that you have a date planned for the two of you. You can even leave it as a surprise.

  • That you appreciate her qualities, to understand things girls like to hear over text, you need to know that girls can control their appearance, but if you compliment her qualities, it will definitely please her.

What do girls like to hear?

Here are also some phrases that will always please your girlfriend:

  • "You're so beautiful even without makeup."

  • "I've never felt so good in bed with anyone."

  • "I want you to have the keys to my apartment."

  • "What do you think about this?"

  • “Two stripes?! Wow, I'm going to be a dad! Hooray!"

  • "What can I do to get you back? I'm ready for anything!

  • “Yes, we are going to the Maldives! Yes, for a whole month!

  • “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to work. I can provide for us."

  • "Of course you're right."

  • “Why choose? We'll buy all five.

If you want to meet a new partner, then sign up for GoDateNow. Dating sites help people find their soul mate through the ability to chat with several people at once before going on a date. You can also enjoy the pictures of the girls in the Girls online gallery before you start chatting. Read Our Dating Blog to learn more about love and relationships.

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