Make your boyfriend jealous


How to make your boyfriend jealous? Before dealing with effective ways to arouse suspicion, it should be noted that many men do not have a feeling of jealousy at all. These are mostly people who are completely confident in their abilities and their partner and not prone to ridiculous suspicions. This is probably good if a man keeps calm, even when a woman tries to show signs of her attention to another. Although she may, at some point, become insulting. She may have doubts about her own attractiveness in his eyes because she is unable to even cause an outbreak of jealousy. Worse, it can be perceived as complete indifference to her on his part.

That is, such manifestations on the part of men are sometimes even necessary, and the thoughts I want to make my boyfriend jealous have nothing wrong with them at all. They allow you to believe that the person next to you is not a soulless machine but a real lover. Also, such relationships can significantly increase women's self-esteem. After all, when a girl smiles invitingly at some man, goes dancing with him, talks animatedly, and her boyfriend does not even lead with his ear, this leads to suspicion. Although no less problems if a lover out of the blue makes a scandal. In this case, you should be even more careful. It is not at all difficult to make such a person jealous, just look at any man, and the conflict is guaranteed. But who needs him?

Therefore, before looking for ways to make your boyfriend jealous, you need to weigh everything well. After all, if he comes into a rage, then everyone around will have a hard time. He can also make hasty conclusions and disappear altogether from the girl's life. In the case of a negative outcome, it is better not to think about trying to lead the guy to jealousy. In addition, if you think why is my boyfriend so jealous, it most likely means that any attempts to cause jealousy will be met with negativity. In this situation, it is better not to ask for trouble. But when the probability of such an outcome is low, you can test the guy's patience. But just be very careful.

Make your boyfriend jealous

How to make my boyfriend jealous and love me more?

Girls have developed a huge number of ways to make a guy who is not jealous at all jealous. From such a variety, you need to choose the method that is suitable for this particular situation. And you can develop a whole scenario of actions.

So, in order for a young man to start to worry, a girl can do the following.

  • During meetings with a loved one, look like the embodiment of fun, tenderness, and attentiveness. That is, in full force to let the guy know that he is exciting to her. But then, at the end of the date, for a certain period of time, it does not appear, does not call, but seems to disappear. When a loved one starts calling, then you need to talk affectionately and be friendly. When an SMS message has arrived, it should be answered only after some time has elapsed. From such behavior, any man will suspect the existence of a rival. True, you should not constantly practice such techniques because a guy can get used to them and will perceive them as the norm.

  • You can invent some kind of compliment and then quote the guy, casually saying that the author of the courtesy is a neighbor or colleague. This compliment needs to be invented unusual, such that it would seem to the interlocutor that the girl remembered it as very original. The phrase should be pronounced enthusiastically. Be sure to repeat these words after a while. When a man asks to name the author of this compliment, it is better to answer as evasively as possible, which will unbalance even the most cold-blooded man.

  • How is it making my boyfriend jealous? A girl can create the appearance that she has a fan from whom she receives cute gifts. When the boyfriend is imaginary, you can order souvenirs, flowers, and sweets for yourself. And after receiving them, you can call your beloved and thank him for your attention to yourself and the gift, as if the girl believes that he was doing this. Such a call should certainly alert. Since he himself did not send any gift, this must mean that a competitor has appeared who is active and assertive.

When it is not possible to obtain the desired result from any of the proposed methods, one must think about it. Perhaps the man really has nerves of steel, which is why he absolutely does not express jealousy. At worst, he is simply indifferent. Then, no matter how hard it seems, you will have to end your relationship with him, which simply has no prospects.

How to make your boyfriend mad and jealous?

  • Make it clear that you are not indifferent to the other man. This is the most common way to cause jealousy in a husband. You should not throw yourself on the neck of the first man who comes across or connect your spouse's friends. For your husband to believe in another man's sympathy for you, admiring glances he will throw at you is enough. Being in the same company, you can easily flirt with all men. And if someone, in particular, shows attention but you remain impregnable, your spouse will probably appreciate it and look at you with different eyes. If a guy after this starts treating you with great attention, then these are signs of a jealous boyfriend.

  • Get mysterious. “Put on” a mysterious smile when your friend or mom calls you. It is essential that the man sees what face you are talking to on the phone but does not know exactly who the subscriber is. As an option, go to another room during a conversation; you can set a password for the phone if you didn’t have it before. If your husband's jealousy gets out of control and looks like aggression, you can always declassify who the call was from. You can also use the five-ring rule when your spouse calls. After all, the later you answer, the more he will think about what you were doing and that you couldn’t devote time to him. A complicated option is to ignore the call altogether, but after half an hour, you will definitely have to call back. If my boyfriend is jealous then the girl usually feels more loved and attractive.

  • Dress provocatively. You can go to the movies with your friends, wearing figure-hugging clothes, a provocative dress. Or run in full dress for a second to his work, promising to call in a few hours. Returning home, buy yourself a modest bouquet or order a bouquet delivered home, supposedly from a secret admirer.

  • Change your image. What can I do to make my boyfriend jealous? You can change your hairstyle, hair color, make-up, and perfume. In the wardrobe, it is worth buying several open or ultra-short outfits. Changes do not have to be dramatic because a man who prefers blondes is unlikely to be happy to wake up in the morning with a burning brunette. You can also change your hobbies, enroll in development courses or learn new skills. Such changes will not go unnoticed, and your man will definitely feel reproaches of jealousy.

  • Admire another man. What to say to make your boyfriend jealous? Primitive way, but working. You just need to choose an object for admiration. This should be someone from your environment that your husband knows or has seen. Admiration for actors, sports stars, or politicians is not suitable for arousing jealousy. You just need to tell your spouse about all the advantages of the opponent; he will experience not only jealousy but also envy, which is also not bad.

The effect of jealousy on relationships

Feelings of jealousy can be exacerbated at the beginning of a relationship and after years of living together. In the first case, the man is not yet sure of the affection of his beloved, is afraid of competitors, and does not know what awaits him in the future. When partners get to know each other better, trust and mutual understanding appear in a couple, living together becomes stable, and jealousy disappears.

In the second case, after many years of married life, the love subsides, and the woman is no longer so fascinated by her husband and begins to look toward other men. Your boyfriend is jealous of guy friends. It can be curiosity, light flirting, or a serious intention to find a new partner. If the spouse is still afraid of losing his wife, jealousy attacks begin to torment him.

As a rule, already at the first stage of the relationship, it becomes clear whether a man is jealous or not. A woman can immediately assess how strong this character trait is, whether it will affect family life and whether it is worth continuing to meet if the gentleman’s sense of ownership knows no bounds. If a partner is ready to endure groundless scandals and suspicions for personal gain, even emotional, she will agree to continue the relationship and, perhaps, will suffer all her life from the claims of a jealous husband. Sometimes a woman herself wants to arouse jealousy by making a jealous woman make a boyfriend facetime. But if your partner is already jealous, you should not tease him further.

What to do to make your boyfriend jealous?

The ridiculous reason for jealousy is to remember the past of a partner. After all, the wife became the way she was loved, thanks to her life experience. So why call up the ghosts of bygone days? But you can't command feelings.

In such a situation, if you had other partners in the past, and in the present, you have a jealous husband, the advice of psychologists is the same in one thing: stop all contact with former gentlemen. Delete them from your phone book and social networks. After all, if you continue to communicate with them, even just as friends, you will provoke outbreaks of jealousy in your spouse.

It is impossible to make friends with an ex-boyfriend and husband. They will always compete, even if it happens on a subconscious level. A gentleman from the past will always annoy a spouse for the following reasons:

  • If a woman is friends with an ex-boyfriend, then there is no certainty that past feelings will not flare up with renewed vigor.

  • The husband will unwittingly imagine how the wife made love with her previous partner. After all, he knows how his wife behaves in bed, so it will not be difficult to build a realistic fantasy.

  • Even light flirting on the part of a former lover will be perceived as a violation of personal boundaries and a challenge. Things can come to a fight if the men do not come to their senses.

  • The husband will unwittingly compare himself to his wife's ex-boyfriend. Well, if the comparison is in favor of the husband. Otherwise, the soul will be poisoned by destructive feelings, and it is impossible to predict the outcome of such a turn of events.

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