Signs she doesn t want a relationship with you


Dan Brown once said, “Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.” This quote is used by many people who have ever set a goal and marched towards it. This statement works both in career achievements and in personal life. For example, a girl tells a guy, “I don t want to be in a relationship,” but he can still have good chances to win her attention even if it’s not the easiest task in the world. Many guys give up at the very beginning of the journey because they don’t understand the reasons for such behavior especially when a girl says she doesn't want a relationship but keeps texting. So, it’s necessary to sort out the situation and move away from its long-standing inertia. Let’s find out the main reasons why she doesn't want a relationship but shows some sympathy.

signs he doesn't want a relationship with you

Main Reasons She Tells You, “I Don't Want a Relationship”

She looks at you all the time, doesn’t avoid eye contact, and blushes when you talk to her. She can even flirt when you are in a big company and is always ready to go to the cinema with you, but once you start talking about relationships, her mood goes down, and she turns into the ice queen. Why doesn’t a girl want a relationship if her body language tells you the opposite?

Her previous relationship ended tragically

If you tell yourself, “She likes me but doesn't want a relationship right now” then one of the main reasons for such behavior can be that her past relationship was very painstaking for her, and it doesn’t matter how much time passed. Anyway, you should understand that she still cannot completely get over it as well as trust other guys. Perhaps she was dating a liar or a cheater or an abuser, or some other unpleasant type of bad guys who use people and make them suffer. Now she is searching for similar features in other young men and convinces herself that "all men are the same." Only time can help her completely recover, heal wounds and move on. Perhaps, over time, she will forget about all the unpleasant moments of the past relationship, realizing that such attitude is the exception rather than the rule. You should try to do your best to show her that you have nothing in common with her ex-boyfriend and that things will be different in your couple. If you decide to do that, be ready that you will have to make efforts and you can face challenges.

She is not sure about your sincere intentions

Simply put, she is afraid to let you down because in her opinion she is not as attractive and smart as you may think. It might seem to her that if a guy gets to know her better, he will immediately understand how many drawbacks she has (even if this is not the case), and as a result, he will leave her high and dry. In addition, she might not be confident that you treat her seriously and that your intentions are directed not only towards having sex. Perhaps she believes that you show signs of attention just messing around or that it’s your usual manner with all the girls. So, if you think about something like, “She doesn't want a relationship, but she likes me,” try to analyze your conduct.

Her demands are too high

She has several requirements for the potential partner. This can be said about different life areas. She might be interested only in guys who have posh cars, and for some reason, this is an important factor for her. She might agree to start a relationship only with a man whose financial situation is not worse than her own.I don't want a relationship However, these requirements can be not only about material things. Some women do not accept relationships with men who don’t see any problem in making friends with other girls. While others are not ready to date those guys, who cannot meet every day with them. When a man likes you but doesn't want a relationship, he spends much less time with you than with friends. And some girls may reject the attention of a man, having found that he likes to hang out with friends, and he is not going to spend weekends at home. There may be a huge list of such things, and the most interesting thing is that some of them may be very unexpected.

She wants to make a big splash

Such situations are pretty common. It seems to a girl that if she agrees too quickly, then you will not appreciate her as she deserves. She wants to show you that she is not like other women, and it is not that easy to win her heart. It can be one of the reasons why she gets jealous but doesn't want a relationship. However, she may be sincerely interested in you or even love you, but some “internal guidelines” do not let her show her feelings right now. Quite often girls reflect on something similar to, “He doesn't want a relationship but won't let me go.”

You are too obsessive and accessible to her

It is interesting that ladies do not always pay attention to men who tell honestly about their feelings and make it clear that they are not going to leave and are ready to wait in the wings. Girls don’t bother themselves with the question, “Does he want a relationship?” because everything is obvious. In such a case, all excitement is lost, and the girl’s interest may dissolve. Of course, she wants to get signs of attention from the guy, but when he becomes too obsessive, it can alienate the girl. You should make it clear that you have feelings, but it’s up to her to decide whether you will move on to the next level or not.

You are not her prince charming

The case that a girl is friendly to you doesn’t mean she is ready for a committed relationship right now. It's not about you or your actions being wrong, you are just not her prince charming. Some girls treat a search for an ideal man too seriously, and this girl might not be an exception.

If the girl you like doesn’t want to betray both her principles and dreams, then it is likely that she is going to search for her perfect soulmate, not paying attention to other guys. You might even know what kind of man the girl is dreaming of. Signs She Doesn't Want a Relationship with You In fact, even a woman in love does not always reciprocate and wants to establish a connection with a man. As it has already been mentioned, if a girl does not want a relationship, there can be quite a few reasons for that. And if you are a girl, then you will look for signs he doesn't want a relationship with you, but what about men? What about obvious signs a girl doesn’t want a relationship with him?

You have different life goals

Nowadays most girls don’t dream of family, husband, children and a cozy kitchen where they can cook your favorite dinner from morning to night. Girls are more interested in a career, life goals, dreams, self-development, personal growth and therefore, before blaming a girl for indifference, look at her, maybe you have different life goals at the moment. If you are doubting, it is better to find out what she strives for. There are girls who do not want to date anyone because they are completely devoted to studying and friendship, their ambitions and aspirations. Do you know what she wants? Does she want to become a president or just to go to university, find a job, learn French? Find out everything, and it will be easier for you to decide whether it’s worth waiting. Such girls are usually interested in guys with similar ambitions or are not interested in anybody at all.

She is confused

Maybe the girl you like behaves like the main character of the movie “Eat. Pray. Love.” She is trying to find herself and understand what she really needs. She can also think about what kind of boyfriend she needs, and with whom she will feel most comfortable. If she takes a break in your communication from time to time to devote time only to herself, then she probably wants a serious relationship with a decent man, but it’s unlikely you.

You are her backup plan

If you are not sure whether it’s the case, then you should analyze your communication and look for the obvious signs that she perceives you only as her backup plan.

There are women who consider men as a cure for loneliness. Some of them have many love affairs to choose the best guys for themselves. Some girls think, “If a husband has changed, then it is worth starting a new relationship.” Many women are confident that a small love affair on the side will help spice up their own permanent relationships.

Being in love, a guy agrees to be a backup option and secretly hopes that one day he will be the only one for a woman. But this happens quite rarely. The same can be said about the situation when a woman is a backup option for a man. The fact is that any backup plan is based on the belief that it’s very easy to manipulate this person and get what you want. Often, people start a relationship because of boredom. But, over time, they break up without regret.she doesn t want a relationship

She doesn't want a relationship but wants to be friends

Your relationship has a friendly format from the very beginning, and it’s hard for the girl to imagine that something can be different. You might have already hinted to her about your sympathy or said directly that you want to take your communication to a new level, but she doesn’t take any steps. Of course, it is worth noting that your chances of winning her heart are quite high since many happy couples begin their relationship with friendship. But if you are really good friends, then she might be afraid that if things don't work out with you two, she will lose a close person. Some people are sure that men and women cannot be friends, and it’s true to some extent – usually, a person who doesn’t have passionate feelings towards the person of the opposite sex can perceive them as a friend, while another one continues to hope that one day everything will change.

Signs She Doesn't Want A Relationship With You

There is one phrase in several variations (“I like you but as a friend”, “You are like a brother to me”, “I wish I had a boyfriend like you”) that can put an end to your hopes. But how else to understand that she doesn’t want you to be her boyfriend?

1. A girl says she is not ready for a serious relationship.

If you hear these words from a woman, then know that she just doesn’t want to be with you and you have almost nothing to hope for.

2. She never calls you

And she doesn’t call back or avoids talking to you on the phone. In any case, this means that she prefers to communicate with others, rather than with you.

3. She avoids relationship topics

It often happens that as soon as it comes to matters of relationships, personal and intimate life, she pauses or tries to change the topic.

4. She regularly cancels dates with you

Of course, the reasons may be different, but if dates are canceled more and more often, then most likely she believes that you are not the man of her dreams.

What to Do If She Does Not Want a Relationship

So many guys ask this question. First of all, you should remember that everything is not hopeless, you need just a little effort and patience. If a girl says that she does not want a serious relationship with you, then it’s time to take more initiative and start conquering.

Start with your appearance. Girls like with their eyes too. Therefore, it is time to become more attractive not only internally, but also externally. By making small changes in appearance, you will become not just more handsome in the eyes of a girl but also gain self-confidence.when a man likes you but doesn't want a relationship

Choose interesting topics for conversation. You can too often dwell on the fact that the girl tells she does not want a serious relationship with you, and this confuses you. Instead, come up with interesting topics that your sweetheart will want to talk about. Interesting conversations are the first step to success. Do not show the woman that you want to please her. It is better to talk at ease and not try to make an impression.

Do not tell in detail about your past. Some men may act as a pickup artist and talk about their dates, ex-girls and the like. If the girl you like says again that she does not want a serious relationship with you, then this may be the reason. Women do not like men who talk about their past, especially in the initial stages of relationships.

Try to be her real friend. She doesn't want a relationship but wants to see me, what should I do? Be a good friend. If she is really not interested in a relationship or now she cannot have a relationship for any given reason (family, school, work, health, etc.), do not put pressure her. Become a good friend to her. Support her: This is especially important if she has a serious problem, such as a loved one’s death or illness. Respect her right to privacy and personal space. Do not try to solve her problems and do not give her advice. Just let her know that you are there and ready to listen to her. Be a good listener. Do not rush to express your opinion and do not give in to the temptation to decide everything for her.

Do not be clingy. Yeah, we get it, you love her a lot and you want to spend a lot of time with her every single day, you want to be near her, and you do not want her to get into trouble. But there are certain limits of privacy that should not be crossed. When a person starts controlling a lot (or all) aspects of your daily life, the people you communicate with, the way you prefer to live your life, then it is quite likely that you won’t feel comfortable with such a scenario. Everyone needs personal space, and if you love her and want her to feel good, then know the limits of attention.

Show her you really care. What if a girl says she doesn't want a relationship but keeps texting me, what should I do? Talk to the girl you like, even if she does not show interest in you. Let her know that you like her. Try to develop friendships with her. However, be careful not to be aggressive or be too intrusive. Ask her about something that interests you both. You can tell her something about the weather, about the school, or about things that may be of interest to her. You can melt the ice if you offer her your help. For example, help her complete a project or homework. Choose interesting conversation topics. Do not talk about politics, religion, past relationships or traumatic events. When talking with a girl, keep eye contact with her and smile.

Be funny around her and try to make her smile. She likes me but doesn't want a relationship right now, what is my course of action? Joke with each other. Pleasant funny jokes are a way to show your interest in someone. Jokes can defuse tense situations. When you make fun of someone, do it in such a way that the other person is not offended. In addition, the girl should understand that you do not want to hurt her feelings, but only show your interest in her. You can make fun of what she eats or the style of music she listens to. In addition, you can close her eyes with your own hands and ask: “Guess who is this?” When flirting, change the tone of voice and facial expression. Do not forget to smile.

If nothing works, just draw back. She doesn't want a relationship, what should I do? This one is quite hard to swallow, yet, I suppose, all of us have faced this scenario at least once in their lives. There comes a certain point in a relationship with a woman that you like when you’ve lost all the energy and passion to try to get a girl to date you, and she doesn’t seem to be intrigued by this proposition. Sure, you like her a lot, but you start feeling sad, you’ve lost so much time on trying to attract her attention, and nothing seems to work. You have to realize that if she doesn’t want your attention – it will not be perceived in a positive light by her, she will get progressively more frustrated with you each and every single day. Well, if you really like her, then you have to let her go. The first step is the hardest one, and the first few days will be very hard for you, but, eventually, everything will get back on track. Maybe she doesn't want a relationship with anyone, maybe you are just fine, but she just doesn’t want to bound herself to anyone right now

Comments (2)

This is exactly the information I was looking for. A girl I like says she’s not yet ready for a relationship. But now, I know what to do to attract her!
16.07.2020 16:25
Women’s logic is sometimes inexplicable. Thank you guys for clearing up the situation at least a little because I can’t understand who I am to her. But according to the signs that are described here, she really doesn’t feel anything for me.
22.07.2020 11:09

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