Dating a woman 15 years younger


In the modern world, people forget about the main thing, getting busy living, they forget about the relationship. So many men cannot find their soulmates. What’s the reason? Some of them are workaholics and social climbers, other ones don’t know how to communicate with girls, or they have already had unsuccessful relationships. Nonetheless, don't let it put you down because there are so many chances to change the situation dramatically.

You know how to communicate with your peers, ask them out and choose a right topic for conversation. However, if you think about dating a woman 15 years younger, you should adjust your tactics because communication with attractive young girls has its specificity.

It’s good when you're a rock star, a crazy artist or an editor of a fashion magazine. Artistic habits automatically level down the man’s age and soothe a girl's conscience. However, what should an older mid-level manager do? Usually, dating someone 15 years younger, a man wants to forget about his age and tries to put on youthful airs. He looks weird and ridiculous, forgetting about the main principles of dating younger women.

dating a woman 15 years younger

Why men choose younger women?

If you look at the statistics, you will see that when men reach the age of 40 years, they start dreaming about dating a girl 15 years younger, while women in the same situation prefer older men. Besides, men are more likely to break up with a peer and create a new couple with a younger partner after a long-term relationship. Every man has his own reasons for taking such a step, but there are several common ones, which make a man dating a woman 15 years younger, and it’s not necessarily about the notorious mid-life crisis.

1. A permanent partner has got older earlier. It’s not about the age reported in the passport, it’s about the inner state. When a man feels absolutely comfortable at home, he will hardly leave his partner, but when he experiences some discomfort with a partner of the same age, he looks at a younger one as at a real adventure. When you say, “She is 15 years younger than me,” you are proud of yourself because you feel yourself alive despite the age gap and any other obstacles. Usually, men are more romantic and childish even after 40. For example, they like unplanned journeys. When they decide to make a surprise for their younger partner, they can be sure that this surprise will be valued and appreciated. Nobody will start blaming him or make him cancel the travel. Younger women still like spontaneity, and their inner age corresponds to the actual age of a man.

2. A man looks for the ideal of beauty. Of course, you can fall in love with anyone, regardless of age. Everyone on Earth is not only worthy of love but also capable of provoking it. However, a young beauty does not need to do plastic surgeries, make Botox injections or do a complicated makeup in order to be attractive. A young girl’s tenderness is like an axiom. When a man starts dating a woman 15 years younger, he hopes to get a second youth.

Men understand that life passes swiftly, youth slips through their fingers like sand, and they strive to start everything from a scratch, while they still can. It's hard to say whether this will be true love or just its likeness and falsification, but, anyway, a man is afraid of old age. While women are coping with the first wrinkles with the help of unique cosmetics, men are going to live forever thanks to the young partners.

3. A man wants to dominate. If a woman is self-sufficient, educated, and has achieved many things without assistance, it is practically impossible to control her, but the situation is quite the opposite with a young lady. Women of the same age know absolutely everything. There is no need to teach them, they know how to behave in bed, they know how life works, and, most importantly, they know how to get what they need right away without moving from the spot. A man doesn’t think that he can give her at least something, she has already had everything. In addition, being in the older man younger woman relationship, a man feels like a real macho. When a girl lacks social status, successful career and high wages, it gives a man a sense of his own superiority, domination. In other words, a young partner is a great way to amuse his own ego.

dating a girl 15 years younger4. A man tries to find a woman who looks like his own mother. Many men who crush on woman 15 years younger say, “My mom always looked like in 30 years, she was an ideal for me, and I was looking for one who would at least somehow resemble her." The concept of "normality" of the relationship is really created by parents. If the mother and father had an impressive age gap, then the child would look for a spouse according to "the image and likeness."

In addition, it has long been known that a man protects his "inner child" much more carefully than women, this means that he grows up later. That's just one of the main reasons why a man unconsciously strives for the "younger generation." No matter how ridiculous this may sound, a man can never part with his childhood, and the necessity of growing up for him is a real tragedy.

5. A man is interested in sex and family planning. Men want to feel their sexuality, and choosing a younger woman, they begin to believe in their sex appeal and ability to interest the young creature. Men feel like males who can satisfy any girl. In addition, sex with young girls only gives them needed confidence, and men look for young lovers to realize fantasies that they cannot live out with older women.

Talking about family planning, when a man is no longer young, but he still wants to have children, he will look for a young girl who will be able to carry a healthy baby.

Dating a 15 years younger woman

You are a mature, adequate, interesting man who can say, “My girlfriend is 15 years younger than me.” She is not interested in her peers, so the advantage is on your side, and the main thing is to use it right.

Women looking for older men are not very different from those who like younger men or their peers. They also need male attention, care, and affection, but they don’t know that yet. So, do everything as usual, but just try to avoid some pitfalls. A woman can be just afraid of the relationship with you. You are a mystery, you are an adult, who, perhaps, doesn’t really need a

15 years younger woman. What can you do in this case?

Talk about things she is well aware of. Make her feel comfortable with you. Don’t tell her, for example, that you like hunting in Kenya. Don’t bring up the elephant in the room. Ask about her preferences, hobbies and choose something to discuss. In general, the school and travels are win-win topics of conversation because almost everyone thinks about them with a smile.

Do not destroy her hopes for a long relationship. You shouldn't say, “I love you,” and promise a wedding if you are not going to do that. You can say that you are good together. Remember that sex is a movement to the next level because both of you want that.

Take the initiative. If she does not understand the subtle hints, and she is not the free spirit, you should take matters into your own hands. Start with walks hand in hand, gradually move to hugs and kisses.

Use your brain. Many girls use their appearance to find a sponsor who pays for everything and can be "blown off." If you don’t want to play a role of a sugar daddy, you should sort things out in advance. Do not judge a woman by words, look at deeds. If she swears she loves you, asks for money for some purchase and, at the same time, does not agree to go to you and says something like, "I wasn't brought up to have sex before the wedding," think about your relationship twice. Create a certain limit for yourself. If she has gone beyond this limit, and the result is still zero, draw conclusions.

Make her invest in your relationship. Of course, a man should be generous, but it is necessary to make her spend money on you at least occasionally. Only in this case, she will not perceive you just as a sugar daddy.

Give gifts. Pleasant gifts are an inherent part of romantic relationships. If you want to use her youth to please your ego and have sex with a young and attractive girl, don’t forget to show your attention and make her smile.

Watch your appearance. Chronological age is conventionality, physiological one is the reality. You can deal with the second one. Don’t neglect healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, gym, and cosmetology. Look at James Bond. He is well-groomed, smart, and dressed in a classic style.

women looking for older men Don’t force things. You might think that she needs only your money, she may worry that you only need her slender young body. Anyone is afraid to be used. So, don’t rush to have sex, stay indifferent and mysterious a little. This old rule is completely universal for the relationship.

Be an altruist in sex. In addition to comfort, a woman expects to have a relationship with an experienced man. Well, in your age, you must have had a lot of practice, so that you should be able to bring her pleasure. So, if you want to meet her expectations, you should make efforts and show all your skills.

Don’t be jealous. Maturity is about confidence and tranquility. Jealousy is something quite the opposite. In addition to the fact that this is generally a vile feeling, don’t forget that reacting to potential young competitors, you show your weakness. Each time when you are jealous, you make it clear that you think you are less attractive. In the end, she can believe that too. Your weapons are friendliness, self-confidence, and maturity.

Don’t joke permanently about your age. Self-irony is an excellent way to deal with an inferiority complex, but it has its own quantitative limitation. Having joked about your small height, bad memory or a wart on your nose, you make it clear that you don’t have complexes, and you treat the defect easily. You don’t worry at all. You just joke all the time and make the surrounding people think that this is your greatest problem. And then they will really pay attention to the wart. So, the same happens with your age. A girl will not notice it if you don’t mention ironically your gray hair once a day.

Age gaps: do they really matter?

People who have big age gaps are representatives of different generations, differing in interests and temperaments. Their friends have different ages, and a couple with a big age gap can face rejection of friends. For example, you can face discontent of peers and relatives of the girl, and envy of your friends. You should be ready for unpleasant words in advance. Only a hundred years ago, it was quite natural to create a family with a young girl. Nowadays, the material side in such a relationship also matters, but it isn’t a decisive factor. The big age gap teaches to respect each other's interests and take into account the desires of people of different generations.

Anyway, if both of you feel the chemistry and you love each other, then the age gap won’t prevent you from being happy.

Comments (1)

In modern times, relationships with a girl much younger are no longer a rarity. I think that in most cases, such ladies just seek money of older men.
16.07.2020 15:39

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