Handbook: How to Date a Police Officer


How to date a police officer? Who doesn't love a man in uniform? Meeting a cop can be one of the most exciting experiences of your life. He wears the uniform of one of the most respected and dangerous jobs in the entire world and must constantly maintain his mental and physical strength in order to serve and protect his countrymen. Dating a cop can seem like a daunting task at times, but it can be extremely rewarding.

Handbook: How to Date a Police Officer

How to meet a police officer?

Pros of dating a cop

  • Security - Meeting a cop who deals with criminals on a daily basis gives you a certain level of security than the average guy off the street. He will have experience in combat, and you can expect him to gain an advantage in a violent situation. Meeting a police officer who just went to work also means that he will be armed all the time.

  • Independence. Should I date a cop? Have you ever seen couples who spend every minute of the day in each other's arms? Well, you don't get it with a cop. If you are meeting with a police officer, he should be on duty most days and even on public holidays. If you're a very independent and ambitious person with your own goals, sometimes that extra free time can help you not feel suffocated in your relationship. You can use the extra time to run errands, nap, meditate, or even shop.

  • He will be a natural leader - in the line of duty, he will need to make key decisions, sometimes on the spur of the moment, and assert himself to deal effectively with civilian problems. If you are meeting single police officers, then you can expect your police officer to take this leadership trait home and run the household effectively. Can't decide where to eat? Having maintenance problems? You can expect a police officer to deal with these issues decisively.

  • He will inspire respect in society. Being a police officer is a dangerous job. You can expect him to receive praise, respect, and even freebies from the community.

  • Being in a relationship with a police officer means that his driving skills will be top-notch. Most police officers are expected to work in a specific area and will be issued with badges, uniforms, firearms, and a vehicle. Since most of his work will be focused on answering calls from civilians, he will spend most of his day in a car. Throughout his career, he will not only learn how to drive in difficult situations but will also know how to get around the city more efficiently and avoid collisions. You can rest easy knowing that your life is in the hands of an experienced driver with years of practice.

  • He will have a good heart - police officers are often underpaid and work long hours. But the greatest reward for a cop is to see the tremendous positive value he adds to the community. Many civilians join the police because they want to make a difference in their communities for the better. Meeting a policeman means that you are meeting a person of high moral character who is prone to altruism.

  • Expect your cop to be a strong man. How to find a cop to date? Police academies around the world have different requirements for being a member of law enforcement. Fitness is one such requirement, tested at law enforcement, military, and non-combatant levels. Meeting a cop means you'll always have a strong man to help you with whatever you need - carrying heavy items, moving boxes, or even just helping get groceries home.

  • He will be brave - for a person to get a job where he puts his life on the line every day, he must be brave and calm. If you date a police officer, he will be able to handle fear much better than the average guy. He will respond to fearful situations with a calm, gentle demeanor. His resilience after years of dealing with lawbreakers will help you find inner peace as well.

Cons of Dating a Cop

  • He won't have a lot of money - a quick Google search of pay statistics for cops reveals pretty low numbers, given the amount of personal and professional risk they take every day. If you're thinking, "I want to date a cop," then you need to be prepared that you won't go to a fancy restaurant all over town and get a front-row seat at the opera (unless he's really trying to impress you). Most likely, he will lead a modest lifestyle in a medium-sized and small-sized house. If the two of you are in an area with a high cost of living, he will either get a paycheck to pay by check or make a little more money.

  • You will feel a lack of control. Meeting a cop can be stressful. He is bound by his duty to protect and serve the citizens, and sometimes you may feel that there is nothing you can do to support him. When he goes to help with disaster relief operations or apprehend criminals, you may feel frustrated that you are sitting at home on the sidelines with no way to help him. This lack of control over his destiny will put a lot of pressure on some women and make it difficult for them to handle relationships. But this does not mean that he will not have time for you because single police officers are looking for love too.

  • He must answer the call to duty. In the event of an emergency, he is sometimes expected to drop whatever he is doing to help resolve the situation. It doesn't matter if you were in the middle of a date, trip, or dinner. Some officers have to step in during emergencies because it's in their job description, but others are honor bound and have a big heart - they feel obligated to help others in need. Unfortunately, sometimes he can focus on helping others, and he forgets about you.

  • Criminals will hate him. Criminals are some of the most dangerous people on this planet. If you're dating a cop, he'll be in the business of catching some of these criminals. Meeting a police officer means you understand that some of these criminals can have very disturbing personalities and can harm your boyfriend or girlfriend if you are dating a female police officer. Also, dating a cop means you see as an extension of the cop, and sometimes a very evil criminal will harm the person the cop is dating if they can't get hold of the cop.

  • His assigned hours can be terrible - some police officers are expected to work very undesirable hours. Crime happens 24 hours a day, and sometimes meeting a cop means you're meeting someone assigned to work the night shift. The night shift means he'll sleep during the day, and there's a lot of crime at night. 

  • PTSD is real - being a cop is a stressful job. Meeting a police officer in a stressful situation can be even worse. Many police officers experience daily stress at work, especially in high-crime areas. Imagine that you are driving around the city, knowing that any moment can be your last because all the criminals consider you an enemy. Many cops have had experiences that keep them awake at night. These events can harm them for life, and if you're going to date a cop for a long time, you may need to help the cop deal with that baggage.

  • Expect the worst. Few have the strength to deal with the stresses of police life and even fewer will be resilient enough to commit to a relationship with a police officer. No advice, no pros, and cons, no personality to help you deal with death. Death is an unfortunate and inevitable reality for those who put themselves in constant danger. If you are dating attractive police officers, you may be dating someone who will be shot in the line of duty in the future.

What's it like dating a cop?

  • Find a place to meet with the police. Where to find single police officers? The first step to meeting the man in blue is to find him. One way to get to know policemen is to wander around their favorite places. Very often, you can meet groups of police officers who have lunch in cafeterias near the station or drink beer in their spare time in local taverns. 

  • Obey the law. One of your top priorities should be keeping the law, no matter who your boyfriend is, but dating a cop will require you to follow the rules in every way. You don't want him to compromise his principles (or his job), and neither does he if you're doing something illegal. No matter what legal issues you've had in the past, make sure your present and future are spotless to ensure a smooth relationship with the cop.

  • Accept strange and uncomfortable schedules. Since protecting the public is a 24-hour duty, police work is anything but a 9-5 job. Most of them have to alternate morning or night shifts, and sometimes they have only a few days off for a long period of time. Be prepared to spend time together at unusual times of the day and night, for short periods of time, and sometimes for long periods of time apart. You must show considerable independence to maintain a relationship with a police officer.

Tips for dating a cop

  • Have fun - he's not at work when he's with you. Try not to ask him about work, especially if he makes a living doing stressful tasks. Help him relax and have fun so that he is balanced and stable during difficult days.

  • Give him time with his brothers in arms - if possible, you want to encourage him to spend time with work colleagues outside of work. These are the people who will stand with their backs in the field and may even save their lives one day.

  • Don't think; just support him in difficult times. It can sometimes feel like it's far away or inaccessible, but it's hard to know what's going on in another person's head until you've walked a mile in their shoes. You might think he's distant but may have seen the horrific murder that day. This is especially important if you are dating a female cop. Yes, ladies, police hot, but it doesn't take away all the danger.

Dating a police officer has its pros and cons. Your partner can be a sweet, strong, and reliable leader in your family, but there are certain risks that reality throws into a relationship. It takes a lot of mental and physical strength to endure the risks of law enforcement life, but just as much willpower to give your heart to a person who is also in such a situation.

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