How to Date, Overcoming the Language Barrier


How is dating someone who speaks a different language? For many women who would like to meet a foreigner, the language barrier is an obstacle to full communication and the development of connections. Today we would like to pay attention to this topic and tell you how to prevent the language barrier from becoming a problem for you, a cause of disappointment, and even giving up on your dreams.

It is very easy to overcome the language barrier in relationships in our time when mobile applications and programs for translating texts and oral speech, electronic dictionaries, and electronic translators are free and available to everyone. However, a lot still depends on your mood and desire to translate letters. There is no formula that will help you learn a foreign language overnight or a free translation program that would translate spoken language and texts at the level of professional translators (humans). If you decide to overcome the language barrier, you first need to be patient.

How to Date, Overcoming the Language Barrier

How to date someone from another country?

  • Don't create a problem because of the language barrier. It is necessary to overcome the language barrier, first of all, as a mental barrier, as an obsessive thought that prevents you from communicating with foreigners. Much depends on your mood and the mood of your new foreign partner. At the beginning of dating:

  1. Both of you can make the language barrier a huge problem (for example, by making it the focus of your first emails) that keeps your connection from progressing.

  2. You will treat this calmly, with humor, as a temporary circumstance that you can easily change in the future.

Have you noticed the difference between these two positions? In the second "scenario," the fact of having a dating language barrier remained. However, the attitude towards it changed. He ceased to be an insurmountable obstacle to acquaintance and development of relations.

If, when communicating with a foreigner, at the beginning of an acquaintance, pay special attention to the difficulties of translation, complain, and focus on how futile it is to communicate with the help of electronic translators, then communication will quickly end. At the beginning of an acquaintance, you are not yet the same woman-dream for a foreigner, for which he is ready to act; for this reason, if you make a big problem out of the language barrier, an obstacle to dating, then he can simply say goodbye to you and continue his search to get acquainted with another woman.

  • Most foreigners would hardly want to change their country of residence and move to Europe for the sake of their beloved woman. On the contrary, they would like to meet a woman who, in the future, having moved to their country, will be able to master the language and adapt to a new society. Suppose a man sees how difficult, insurmountable language barriers in relationships are for a woman. In that case, he will most likely make the following conclusion for himself (this is simple foresight): She will not be able to move to me in the future, learn the language, and integrate. Without knowing the language of the country of residence, it is impossible to integrate and fully exist in society.

  • Take the time and attention to communicate. Having received a letter and not understanding its translation into your native language, do not skip incomprehensible words and sentences, but try to understand the translation to understand what the interlocutor wanted to tell you. Ask him again, and ask him to reformulate his thoughts. The meaning of his words is important; it is important to do everything in your power to understand it.

  • Take action. If you receive a letter in a language you do not know, do not wait for a foreigner to send you a translation of his letter into your language, translate it yourself. For a foreigner, the reluctance to translate his letters, and the requirement to write letters in your language is tantamount to a lack of interest in acquaintance on the part of a woman.

  • Keep up with the times. Take advantage of free translation apps, electronic translators, and electronic dictionaries. This will help you with dates in different languages. The message translation function is also available in messengers.

  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. If you have started learning a foreign language, don't be afraid to make mistakes in language barrier dating. Practicing with a native speaker will help you gain confidence and keep learning, deepening your speaking skills. Trying to learn a foreign language but at the same time continuing to communicate with a foreigner in your own language, composing your letters in your own language, and translating them using a translator program, will not be able to master a foreign language. Start writing letters in a foreign language on your own, without the help of an electronic translator (you can translate a word you do not know, but you should not translate entire sentences). 

Do you want to date with foreigner?

Start learning the language of the country with a man from whom you would like to connect your life. The main thing is to overcome fear and doubts and take the first step. It's best not to waste your time on something you don't believe in. Decide once and for all: yes or no. Because the time spent in doubt is the time spent without moving towards the goal. Learning a foreign language is a sure step towards destiny. This is your manifesto: "I'm getting ready to meet my man."

There is no other way. Sooner or later, you will have to study a foreign language (unless you say “yes” and continue to look for your foreign betrothed). Yes, perhaps now you have not yet met your man and doubt whether the efforts will be justified. However, make it a rule to think in the future, to do things today that will help you tomorrow. Invest your time and energy in self-development. Make learning a foreign language your hobby. This is a very useful hobby because learning a foreign language is one of the effective ways to develop skills such as diligence, patience, discipline, perseverance, and determination and strengthen your memory.

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