Get to Know a Girl's Feelings


How to understand girls' feelings? Some girls like to be mysterious and mysterious, while men react differently to this. Often it becomes difficult for them to understand the lady, especially the actions and girls' feelings. For some reason, men cultivate the fact that ladies behave incomprehensibly and with all their might, try to reproach the girls with this. Sometimes they even scoff, talking about the notorious female logic, which implies its complete absence and sometimes even stupidity. Moreover, there are even dictionaries with a certain male “translation” of female phrases. For example, if a girl said “no,” then this means “Yes, but later.”

Get to Know a Girl's Feelings

Are girls as incomprehensible as it seems to a man at first glance?

In fact, it is very difficult to draw conclusions if you have only been in one relationship. In fact, all girls, like men, are very different. If you are not very lucky with your partner, then this does not mean that you need to build yourself into a smart person who communicates with an underdeveloped one and still thinks about how to understand girls' love feelings. Girls really are completely different, and if you come across some unique specimen that has an absolutely illogical view of the world and gives the impression that it is not from the world of everything, then you do not need to draw the same conclusion about all the girls.

In fact, woman's feelings are quite understandable and logical, and the only thing that needs to be taken into account is their emotionality since, compared to men's, it often seems excessive. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to understand. Let's try to dig a little into the psychology of a woman and think about what women want and how you can give it to them.

  • The girl is very important to understand. The fact is that most of the problems in the relationship between a man and a woman lie in the fact that men do not listen to their ladies. They think that they are just babbling incoherently, that they are some cute fairies who, in general, are not meant to think only to paint their nails and flutter like a butterfly. When a girl talks to you, try to listen to what is being said. Perhaps the incoherent stream of delirium that her speech seemed to you will turn into something more meaningful. And what's more, you don't need a "female-male" dictionary.

  • It may be strange, but a woman wants to feel loved. How does she feel? Yes, it's about feelings, but it's incredibly important. Any girl wants to hear how you love her, and it's not just that they say that women love with their ears. By the way, those who say so are cunning because men also love their ears. Therefore, pathetic statements about how to understand a girl are not needed. Just think about what you would like to hear from her. Maybe words of love, too, right? The fact is that women are more emotional than men, and they are used to expressing their feelings in words. Perhaps their vocabulary is slightly larger than that of men, and therefore it seems to men that they speak somehow mysteriously and mysteriously. For many guys, rude expressions on the forehead seem mysterious, but these are no longer women's problems.

  • Also, any girl wants to receive compliments and gifts. What does she feel? It will be difficult to understand a girl who is offended because you do not say anything nice and do nothing for her. Do you know why you don't understand? Because a well-bred girl is unlikely to give you tantrums. She will show her resentment in a different way and may talk to you differently than before. And here, your task will be to understand what upset her and how to fix the situation. If you don’t understand how resentment is expressed and what to do with your girlfriend in this case, then this is no longer a girl’s problem if you are not able to find an approach to her.

How to give feelings to a girl? Now we need to highlight the main thing. You need to listen and hear your partner; most often, the girl herself will say what she wants; you only need to hear it; that's the whole secret. But in the case of love questions, when you are still new to each other, it can be difficult to understand exactly how a girl treats you, which is why many men have the question does she have feelings for me?

Signs she has feelings for you

  • She has time for you. A fairly clear signal of interest is the priority she gives you. An interested woman will not let you wait for an answer for several days after a message in the messenger; she answers your calls and finds time to meet.

  • She seeks eye contact. If someone is interested, he looks into the eyes of the other to make sure that he is also looking. But be careful: if she looks around, this is not necessarily a sign of disinterest. She may also look away in embarrassment. However, a second sneak peek from across the room suggests a rather silent admiration.

  • She asks a lot of questions. If she just nods silently or looks over her shoulder while you're talking, she's not interested. However, if a girl asks questions, she is definitely with you. She is not particularly curious but tries to find a common topic for conversation. Even if you are discussing an exciting football match or any other topic that women are not usually interested in, your interlocutor actively supporting the conversation is a good sign.

  • She remembers the little things. She remembers that at the last meeting, you mentioned that you wanted to see a certain movie. Or she mentioned that you casually talked about your hobby and asked about it. Someone who remembers the little things is almost certainly interested in you.

  • She compliments you. How to know if a girl has feelings for you? She compliments your good taste in movies or your style of dress. The one who finds another attractive loves to compliment him. It can also be considered a compliment that she laughs at your jokes, even if they are not particularly funny.

  • She stays close. When you are in a group, she will often choose to sit next to you or try to walk next to you. Either she approaches you or touches you as if by accident. Other ways to make skin-to-skin contact: From time to time, she briefly puts her hand on your arm or ruffles your hair.

  • She asks about her personal life. Signs she's catching feelings. If she specifically asks about your love life or wants to know subconsciously if you're single, that's a good sign of her interest. What you should never do is make her jealous of other women or an ex-girlfriend - this will definitely lead to the opposite results!

  • She follows you on social media. Did you find that she suddenly followed you on social media and suddenly liked your photos? In this case, you can be sure that she has already turned the entire Internet to find your profile. Don't worry; this is a good sign! She wants to get to know you better and is looking for information she can include in her next conversation.

  • She drags out the conversation. The conversation comes to an end, but instead of saying goodbye, she keeps asking questions that drag out the conversation. This is a sign that she enjoys being around you.

  • She smiles as she looks at you. If she immediately starts smiling when she sees you, this is a sure sign that she cares about you. In addition, the girl can automatically move her hand past the ear, pulling her hair back when she appears in your field of vision - this is the strongest signal of sympathy.

  • Licks lips. Another mechanical action that a girl can do without noticing it herself. She can lick and bite her lower lip; the latter means a strong sexual attraction to you.

In order to find your ideal partner for life, register on GoDateNow. Here you can chat with different girls. Check out the pictures in the Girls online gallery. It is not necessary to go on dates; you can first get to know each other better and understand how this person suits you. Want to learn more about dating and dating? Read Our Dating Blog.

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