How You Can Use Your Sexual Energy


How to use sexual energy to manifest? To capture male attention for a long time, a woman does not have to have a model appearance at all. Magnetism and the sexual energy hidden in the lady are much stronger than the representatives of the stronger sex. How to develop it, and what does this term mean?

How You Can Use Your Sexual Energy

What is sexual energy?

The concept of sexual energy has a wider meaning than simple passion and desire to enjoy your sexual partner. Sexual energy manifestation is a powerful source of inner strength that has a significant impact on all areas of life. She begins to awaken during adolescence, which often determines the behavior of teenagers and their relationship with the opposite sex. Sigmund Freud wrote about male and female sexual energy. In The Psychology of Sexuality, he used the word "libido" to describe it. In official medicine, the term "sexual energy" is still missing. This concept is reflected in Eastern teachings. In Indian culture, it is called "kundalini," and in the Taoist teachings common in China - "chi." According to their vision, sexual energy allows a person to grow spiritually and professionally, realize his creative potential, and improve his financial situation. It gives strength for the implementation of the tasks and allows you to focus on the goal. The teachings of different directions differ in many ways and offer their own point of view, but they all agree that sexual energy is the energy of life.

Sexual energy meaning

All the behavior of a man, to one degree or another, is a manifestation of sexual energy. Representatives of the stronger sex realize it through achievements. The desire to build a career, become a successful businessman, or achieve success in sports is based on the internal sexual energy that encourages men to compete and develop. Male energy has a vector structure. It tends to a certain point - to achieve a specific goal. Under its influence, a man shows his leadership qualities, sets boundaries, and creates a structure, for example, by buying a home. A woman fills this structure when she creates an aura of warmth and a cozy atmosphere. Her energy is like the elements; it is limitless and all-encompassing. A woman becomes a kind of reactor, accumulating sexual energy. She uses it to feed her partner and family and to maintain a home. A woman's energy serves to fuel sexuality and unify the elements of her world. As a mother, a woman, through her energy, connects the child with his father. Presents the child to the dad in such a way that it is easy and pleasant for a man to perceive him, take care of, educate, and love him.

How to release sexual energy?

Gerhard Eggetsberger considers the main source of sexual energy to be the PC muscle (Pubococcygeus muscle), which is located at the base of the pelvis. Her movement is directly related to orgasm and helps to increase the severity of sensations. During intercourse, the sexual energy of partners increases significantly. From the base of the pelvis, it travels up the spinal cord and accumulates in the brain. In this case, the right hemisphere is "charged" more than the left. In his book Cultivating Female Sexual Energy, Taoist teacher Mantek Chia refers to strong sexual energy as the source of our life force. In his opinion, all the internal organs of a person produce their own energy. How to channel sexual energy? To "pump" sexual energy, pay more attention to the genitals and movements of the sacrum. These, combined with mental images, will help raise energy to the lower energy center at the level of the navel. From there, it rises to the level of the heart center and finally to the brain. In this way, the elevation and purification of sexual energy take place, after which it nourishes the human soul.

How to control sexual energy?

Acceptance of one's sexuality and the development of sexual energy are necessary to achieve life goals. This is the shortest path to success and prosperity. The more such energy in a woman, the more daring desires she can embody. To develop and activate sexual energy, you need to do what brings pleasure and enjoyment. For example, sign up for dancing or take a massage course. There are many ways to develop and accumulate female sexual energy.

  • Love yourself. Forget about your physical handicaps. Love your own features and your body the way it is. Take care of your face and body; take care of your inner world. What makes a woman sexy is not only the chores about the family and the hearth but also attentiveness to oneself. Do not deny yourself a manicure, cosmetic procedure, or a trip to the hairdresser. Do nice little things that give joy and a good mood.

  • Explore your sexuality. What to do with sexual energy? Examine and study your body. Spend more time playing love games with yourself, and as a couple, learn what exactly you like about sex. Train intimate muscles. Do Kegel exercises, for example. They will help to "pump" sexual energy, increase the elasticity of intimate muscles, and add freshness and sharpness to sexual relations.

  • Learn to relax. Mantek Chia recommends developing your physical body to gain spiritual freedom and unleash your natural sexuality. Meditate, and take time for energy practices. You can also make a complex that will help you feel your sexual energy. This practice will help calm your nerves, relieve stress, and free yourself from the restrictions imposed by society. Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your knees. Relax, smile, and fill your body with love. Move your hands to the ovaries. Massage this area until you start to feel a tingling sensation. Feel the ovaries warm up and release energy. Imagine that they are lungs, and "breathe" them, slowly and deeply drawing air into your mouth. Take 90-180 breaths. Relax your abdominal muscles. Place your palms on your abdominal muscles and gather your energy in the navel area.

  • Get inspired. How to get rid of sexual energy? Look for inspiration in everything. Pay more attention to hobbies and creativity, such as singing, equestrian sports, or practicing on a potter's wheel. Communicate more often with like-minded people. Arrange gatherings with close friends or attend various themed events and travel. If there is no opportunity to go to another city or country, walk more in the fresh air. It is advisable to do this in unfamiliar places. Sexual energy is the natural energy of man. It helps not only to enjoy sexual intercourse but also to achieve important life goals. To develop this energy, you need to study yourself and your desires and train the body. It is equally important to devote time to hobbies, creativity, and communication with interesting people.

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