Is sex important in a relationship?


Should sex be important in a relationship? In the media, publications often appear on the benefits of sex for human health. Thanks to them, we know that sex increases the level of satisfaction with life, promotes weight loss, reduces stress, improves labor productivity, and much more. But sex is important not only for an individual but also for the couple as a whole. Without a healthy sexual life, there will be no happy connection. And the point here is not in the notorious "marital duty" but in need to experience the maximum proximity (merger) with another person - nothing else except sex will give this.

Is sex important in a relationship?

Is sex important in relationship?

  • Pleasure. Sex is, first of all, pleasure. Enjoyment of proximity, enjoying each other. If partners do not accept their sexuality or experience strong feelings of shame and guilt, they cannot open up for sex. They are closed and constrained. They do not accept their body; they are afraid of the body of a partner. They cannot receive the pleasure that they could receive. Accordingly, the pleasure is reduced, and with it, the joy and satisfaction with the connection decrease.

  • Strengthening connections. Is sex really important in a relationship? If partners can enjoy each other, processes that strengthen relationships occur in the body. Interestingly, even in the most favorable period, the possibility of conception of a child in people is only 25%. Why does nature lay such a low probability of fertilization? Most likely, in order for the couple to create a really close connection. It is important that a persistent couple is created, which will take care of the offspring since the human cub needs a lot of time to develop. That is, sexual connections are needed not only to give birth to children but also, first of all, to enjoy and communicate with each other. In the animal world, about sex relationships, sexual relations occur only during ovulation. When the female has ovulation, the male begins to "notice" her. The rest of the time, she is generally not interesting to him. 

  • Proximity. The more people have sex, the stronger the proximity between them. And the strong intimacy, the more the couple’s hormone is released. Oxytocin is also called a hormone of love, proximity, and relationship. The higher the oxytocin, the stronger the steam. True, there is one “but” - not only the frequency of sex but also its quality is essential. In order for sex to strengthen connections, there should be deep communication between people and son-in-law on each other. If sex is mechanical, oxytocin is highlighted much less, and banal sexual discharge occurs. Such sex is not perceived at the level of the brain as real proximity. And most often, this suggests that relations begin to deteriorate. Is sex necessary in relationship? It is important that the female reproductive system is arranged so that in the presence of libido orgasms, a woman increases. Hormones are released, including testosterone, thanks to which its attraction to a man is growing. That is, the more orgasms, the higher the libido of the woman. The same applies to caresses - if the partner caresses the partner, her attachment to him grows (again, oxytocin stands out).

  • Strengthening physiological and psychological health. Sometimes we can use sex life in a relationship Not only for continuing the genus or discharge but also to relieve stress and for communication. This improves the mental and physical condition of a person. Sex is a universal remedy for relieving stress and even reducing somatic pain. For example, sex with menstruation and headaches in women reduces pain. Therefore, if partners do not have any prejudices on this subject, they can use sex to help each other.

  • A new level of sex. It is in partnerships that sex is fully revealed. He becomes a real pleasure. In the case of random, spontaneous sex, you can also experience great pleasure, but most often, it will be purely mechanical. And this is not comparable to pleasure based on deep emotional closeness. In good connections, sex, like wine - over time, only becomes better. Especially if there is no shame, guilt, or prejudices and people are constantly working on connections.

  • Children. is sex the most important thing in a relationship? A child is a materialized love. Therefore, when the couple is ready to morally and physically become parents, this greatly enhances intimacy. People are preparing to reach a new level in a relationship. And this is a very great pleasure, great proximity. 

Therefore, work on your connection, share your experiences with each other, and say all problems, including related sex, if necessary, seek help from a specialist. Good relationships should bring good sex. One that would satisfy both partners. Do not turn sex in debt, and do not use it as a fee for something or a subject of blackmail. At the same time, do not do what you do not like just to please your partner. Strive for mutual joy and satisfaction.

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