The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in relationships


Emotional Intelligence

What does it mean to be emotionally intelligent? Intelligence is an important component of an educated person. Emotional intelligence in relationships in the broadest sense is the recognition of oneself and others of both positive and negative feelings, the ability to separate personal feelings from bare facts, as well as the ability to feel the mood, temperament, intonation, and intentions in communicating with other people, regardless of whether they are old or not. They are familiar or you see them for the first time in your life. Such intelligence is associated with happiness, success, and sympathy.

What does dating someone with low emotional intelligence mean? Happy couples face roughly the same problems as unhappy couples, the only difference is how they respond to difficulties.

Managing emotions does not mean manipulating or suppressing negative experiences. On the contrary, avoiding strong emotions can only worsen relationships, and any manipulation can alienate people from each other.

If the boyfriend lacks emotional intelligence, he must understand those negative emotions, such as anger, fear, or pain, serve as signals of problems in the relationship. To find the cause of problems, at a minimum, you need to acknowledge them and then express your feelings without criticism or guilt. In dead cases, emotional intelligence comes to the rescue.

How to be emotionally strong in a relationship?

  • Accept the feelings you have. You should keep track of what feelings you have and what causes them. You may need to spend some time alone. Only you should not close yourself to negative emotions; any emotions for introspection will be useful. Remember, they don't determine how good a person you are. At the same time, try to analyze what provoked your reaction and whether you have experienced something similar before. Likely, the problem lies not in a specific situation but in an established pattern of behavior, previously received mental trauma, or something else.
  • Find a balance. Emotional intelligence in marriage is very important. Sometimes negative emotions get in the way of properly responding to situations in a relationship. You can take a defensive position. Therefore, you need to find your balance, relax and return to the conversation when you are ready. Reading, walking, meditating, or any process that allows you to relax can help you.
  • Turn to your partner. How to deal with someone with low emotional intelligence? Once you have acknowledged your feelings and calmed down, you can start a more productive conversation. During it, express your needs in an affirmative but non-aggressive way. Try to listen to your partner without interrupting him. Also, try to understand and accept his feelings.

Why study and develop emotional intelligence?

The inability to manage oneself and one's emotions lead to a problem in relationships with a spouse. The second side of this issue is the inability to hear, see and understand another person's emotions. Therefore, knowing the emotionally aware definition is very important.

Is it possible to manage emotions in a relationship?

Functions of emotions in relationships with a loved one - consolidation of experience, interpersonal communication, emotional expression. The ability to express emotions verbally depends partly on the ability to communicate them clearly.

If you develop an intellectual connection in a relationship, then this will contribute to a more harmonious development of interpersonal relationships, first of all, with your loved one.

Differences between men and women

A common phrase, we are so different, but still, we are together. And for the relationship of a man and a woman, husband and wife, a correct understanding of these differences, the ability to live with them, and manage one's negative features is essential. Emotional support in marriage is also very important.

Thus, men show higher levels of emotional and expression control compared to women. Women, compared with men, have higher rates of understanding of emotions.

In other words, compared to women, men better regulate their own emotional state, control the external manifestations of their emotions, and better manage other people's emotions. Women, compared with men, are more sensitive to their own emotional states and other people's emotional states. They are better able to recognize, identify and verbalize emotional responses.

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