What to Do in Retirement: Tips for Relationships and Hobbies for Men


Of course, we do not deny the benefit of spending time in the fresh air at a bed of cucumbers and tomatoes, oneness with the earth, and the passing life wisdom to grandchildren. Besides, do not forget that you can read news and interesting books and even though pensioners are no longer particularly interested in history and politics, it is useful to read books about historical and political events to maintain the relevance of knowledge as well as for the brain training.

However, these hobbies seem somewhat typical, do old people really have to do the same boring stuff? Today we will shed light on alternative ways to fight depression after retirement and keep yourself busy in old age.

fun part time jobs for retirees

Start Breaking Retirement Myths

Life after retirement exists! And it is full of colors and adventures, you have never had so much free time since, probably, you went to kindergarten. Some people dive into the world of dating and explore one woman seeking man's website after another, others come up with a new hobby they have always wanted to try. Anyways, retiring is not a death sentence. If your understanding of old age is made of myths and stereotypes that there are no fun part-time jobs for retirees or any other exciting activities for them, here are stories of people that will prove you wrong.

Realizing themselves in the cinema

Writing a script, directing a movie or performing one of the main roles is the dream of many. The latter option, for example, was implemented by 81-year-old Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell, former US secretaries of state. Together with their younger colleague Hillary Clinton, they starred in the television series Madame Secretary of State. All three held their posts during the regime of various presidents. So Mr. Powell managed to work during the time of George W. Bush, and Madame Albright became the first woman to occupy such a position. The fate of former officials, workdays and personal life of officials became the plot lines of the series. And the actors shared their positive impressions of the work on the set on social networks.

Back to education

It is one of our favorite options. Among these is the story of a 94-year-old Hawaiian Amy Kraton, who has just received a bachelor's degree in art. The woman entered college in 1962 but dropped out of education to be able to work and feed her children. Already at a mature age, she returned to the dreams of youth. She studied remotely at the Southern University of New Hampshire and successfully passed the required exams. Madame Kraton was not able to pick up her diploma since she is traveling in a wheelchair. To congratulate the graduate and to present a document on obtaining an education, the president of the university himself arrived in her city. Now the woman is one of the oldest graduates of the university.

Engaged in modeling

Many retirement myths are concerned with beauty and appearance. If you think that fashion potential can be realized only at a young age, let this story convince you of the opposite. 63-year-old teacher Lin Slater concludes contracts with well-known brands, actively maintains a page on Instagram and expresses her views on age discrimination. During last year's New York Fashion Week, Madame Slater accidentally fell into the lenses of journalists who mistook her for a participant in the shows. In fact, the woman was going to meet her friend, with whom she was planning to have dinner. So, the professor became famous outside of her profile.

What to Do When You Retire: Advice for Your Relationships

Not many couples survive the challenge that the times impose on them. When you have been together for so many years, troubles in a relationship can aggravate, and many people even decide to finally divorce at the age of 60 and older. But to enjoy your retirement to the fullest and feel your partner the same way you were used to 30 years ago, you can follow some tips that will prevent you from losing your love – that last beacon in the night.

enjoy your retirementWhat to do so that after thirty years of marriage, you can love each other like on a wedding day?

1. Have common interests

Happy couples have a lot of common activities, thanks to which they spend time together. They always have topics for conversation, plans and a desire to find even more common interests because they know how great it is to be one team. It is not necessary to run ultramarathons together. Watching several seasons of the series in a row or implementing other things to do when you retire into your joint leisure is also a good way to spend time. The main thing is the feeling that you are sharing something cool.

2. Go to bed together every night

Bedtime is sometimes the only minutes of the day that you can fully devote to each other. This is not only sex but also communication, the exchange of impressions, experiences. Thanks to such minutes, you are considered a couple, otherwise, you would be just neighbors or cohabitants.

You can live together for years but not feel yourself together a part of the union. And it is logical to assume that sooner or later, someone will get tired of it because it’s safe to lose neighbors while it is difficult to lose a partner since they support, encourage, cheer and make our life better. Bedtime is important, and it gives us more than we can ever imagine.

3. Going to bed forgiving each other

Everyone quarrels, and this is the case when the saying "morning is wiser than the evening" does not work. You do not want to stretch the conflict for several days. It is much more logical to clarify all controversial issues today, discuss what to do next, and go to bed with a light heart. You do not need those additional nerve-racking thoughts and torments, so care about your health, let things away, talk and go to sleep with no feeling of anger or frustration.

4. Hug and kiss each other when meeting and saying goodbye

One of the best retirement ideas is to stay young and romantic inside! Physical contact stimulates a sense of attachment. Thanks to hugs, partners feel happier. The family becomes an island of security, where you want to return, even if everything collapses around.

5. Trust each other

Trust is the foundation of a good relationship. If you do not need to suspect, be jealous, suffer and check your partner, a lot of time is freed up for much more enjoyable things. And constant stress is unlikely to make relationships stronger.

6. Give thanks, not regrets

Love is not so blind as people are used to thinking, and we see positive and negative qualities in the partner. But we should better focus on the good side of our partners and thank them for all actions and efforts, instead of constantly pointing out the drawbacks. The first way is more constructive, isn't it? If you have been together for so many years, there must be habits or things you cannot stand but do not focus on them, otherwise, you will spend the last years of your life thinking that you wasted them on someone not worthy. But back then it was your choice, respect it and the time you had together.

Cool Hobbies and Jobs for Retired Men

Deserved rest. Someone is waiting for it with increasing impatience, someone is planning their life in a regulated manner after ten years of work, and some individuals are frightened by an unclear future (as they think) feeling of emptiness, abandonment, detachment.

Nevertheless, the world is full of interesting retirement activities, and you can find hobbies to your taste at any age. As an example, we will offer what to do in old age.

Own apiary

Bee breeding is a good business option that brings good dividends. In October and November, you can earn up to $1 thousand a month by selling honey. In the remaining months, the profit will be less noticeable. But various beekeeping products can be sold year-round. For example, propolis or beeswax. But this one is not among the easiest and most fast profitable retirement hobbies: the return of the own apiary to the payback will occur no earlier than a year after the start of the project. In addition, beekeeping will require good theoretical training and familiarity with specialized literature.


Former teachers can organize a small kindergarten in their apartment. This is one of the cutest hobbies for retired men or even if not for him directly, he can help his woman. By the way, not only other babies from 3 to 7 years old but also his own grandchildren will be able to visit it. Especially if they did not manage to get into the state kindergarten. Before starting a private kindergarten, the house will have to be redecorated, purchased toys, cots and clothes boxes. The profit from your kindergarten can range from $1 to 2 thousand, depending on how much time the children will spend here: all day or only half a day.

things to do when retired and bored"Home helper"

Many businesspeople are looking for an assistant in their household chores. And, perhaps, the best option here is the services of a pensioner who is still full of strength and who can easily cope with various tasks. It can be:

  • walks with pets;
  • cleaning up the apartment;
  • care for numerous home flowers;
  • minor repairs.

"Home helpers" provide such services both one-time and regularly. The latter option, of course, is preferable, because it is guaranteed to bring up to $500 per month.

Custom cakes and homemade sweets

Many matured grandchildren feel nostalgic for grandmother’s pastries. And it’s a sin not to use this as an idea for a business: to organize the sale of homemade cakes and other baked goods “like those of your grandmother.” To start, it will take a little - to replenish the arsenal of kitchen utensils and conduct an audit in the home recipe book, supplementing it with interesting ideas from the Internet and various culinary television shows. It will turn out for payback in a month, and then (with well-organized advertising support by the grandchildren on the Internet) start earning $1 thousand a month. Such things to do when retired and bored are not only exciting but bring fast profit. And who said men don’t bake or knit (read below)? You can still help your woman or take on the organizing part and arrange everything.

Knitted clothes

Hats, scarves, and mittens can also be always bought in a brand store. But they are unlikely to melt your heart as hand-made things do. Moreover, the offer may not be limited to traditional mittens. Nowadays, unique vests or cardigans made in a single copy are valued. For a grandmother who has long been fond of knitting, creating such things will not be difficult. In addition, other knitted handmade goods can be offered to potential customers via the Internet, including creative ones: computer mouse mats, manually knitted toys. One such thing can replenish the home budget by $200. So, a man, as the head of a family can organize the selling of these goods.

Holiday candles

Making candles at home soothes the nervous system. This is an unhurried and not very complicated process, the full information about which can be easily found on the Internet. What to do when you retire other than such a relaxing hobby like this? Candle carving will suit both men and women. True, before you engage in this type of business, you need to decide on future sales channels for products. After all, it is not enough to make candles, they also need to be correctly advertised, you will need to spread information about them, go to fair and lead a social media profile about your business. Moreover, the profit of particularly successful sellers reaches $2 thousand per month.

Handmade soap

Another successful combination of business and hobby. You can arrange the production of soap in your apartment, and take your grandchildren as assistants, who will also certainly be carried away by the soap making process. Investments in work are not the “coolest” - you need to purchase raw materials:

  • soap base;
  • various dyes;
  • essential oils;
  • colorings.

To achieve success will help your own corporate style of soap, unexpected additives, and catchy packaging. Then you can expect a profit from $500 to 1 thousand per month and contracts for the supply of your soap products to several stores at once. In addition, sales can be carried out on the Internet.

Seedlings for sale

This is a seasonal business, which must be taken at the very end of winter, the beginning of spring. If there are several rooms in the apartment, one of them can be temporarily allocated for breeding seedlings of the most popular vegetables:

  • cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • pepper;
  • eggplant.

At the same time, it is important to correctly distribute the space by organizing several levels for cups with landings. Future profits will depend precisely on the number of cups. On average, earning from seedlings can range from $1 to 3 thousand per season.

Equipment rental

fun part time jobs for retireesIn their darkest and the most hidden from the eye of stranger corners, many home masters have high-quality professional tools, most of which they do not use. This is not entirely correct because technology can bring its owner a decent income. Moreover, in the presence of a certain amount of money, a pensioner can especially purchase other running equipment for organizing a mini-rental point and subsequent rental:

  • screwdrivers and punchers;
  • small concrete mixer;
  • welding equipment.

A business can bring from $500 a month, although it is important to remember the risks: the equipment often breaks down, and in the end, it may require either its complete replacement or serious repair.


To conduct master classes, it is enough to know one of the areas. It could be anything:

  • playing guitar or chess;
  • knitting;
  • cooking
  • creation of paintings.

Any enthusiastic retiree will have many secrets that they will share with pleasure (especially for a fee) with other enthusiastic people. You can work in groups or even individually. On average, this type of earnings brings up to $200 per month. It is a matter of individual choice which business to choose to receive an income or get yourself busy and distracted from sad thoughts. However, ideally, your job should be the monetization of your favorite hobby - that person has long liked and succeeds best. Surely, everybody will have such a hobby.

In physiological terms, old age occurs after 80 years, which means that, after saying goodbye to work, it is unreasonable to put an end to what you love or thinking that life is over. Who knows, maybe your most active phase is just beginning!

In general, the psychological age depends on how fully a person feels this world and feels its involvement in it. So, it seems quite realistic to remain a young spirit man in ripe old age too.

You create your imperishable fate and attitude towards the surrounding reality. Therefore, in the first place, you will not be occupied with dull memories of exhausting work, but you will find a worthy application for your many talents, and you will learn how to live at the same pace as the universe.

Comments (1)

My grandfather loves fishing, and my grandmother loves cooking. I think this is a great hobby for them. After all, the grandpa brings a catch, and the grandma cooks tasty food.
17.07.2020 09:17

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