10 Tips On How To Politely Decline A Date


10 Tips On How To Politely Decline A Date

When you are invited on a date, and you don’t really want to go there, it’s not so easy to refuse. How to kindly reject someone? It definitely shouldn't lie or embellish on the wrong things, but being direct isn't the best option either. Say no but don't invest negativity.

10 Tips On How To Politely Decline A Date - image 110 Tips On How To Politely Decline A Date

Don't say maybe if you mean no

How do you nicely reject someone? To refuse means to refuse and not to try to say maybe. If you don't want to be with the person, then just say no and don't give false hope.

Directness is not cruelty

How to politely reject someone? If you are worried about how to reject a boyfriend without hurting his feelings, try to do it quickly. The sooner you clarify the situation, the sooner he can move on. Do not be rude and say cruel things, just be honest. Do not mumble; it will be worse for both of you. Just say, "No, thanks." These simple words will solve the situation without any complications.

Don't burn

How to politely say no to a date? If you care not to offend the person, lying becomes especially seductive. However, inventing a non-existent boyfriend or husband is not the best idea, especially if the rejected boyfriend ever finds out the truth. This can help with a stranger in a coffee shop, but if it's someone in your inner circle, don't lie to get rid of them.

Give me a compliment

How to turn someone down for a date? If you are trying to refuse a date in the most painless way, be sure to compliment your boyfriend. If you don't know him very well, mark his clothes or just say something nice. This will help soften the blow without giving false hope. And, of course, be sincere.

Don't hint that you might change your mind

What's a nice way to say no? If you say you are too busy right now, you hint that you are ready to meet later. This is not very good because the man will hope for a meeting. Absolute refusal may sound harsh and hurt the person, but at least such a refusal will not give false hope and the person will be able to move on. It is especially important to be honest and frank if you have mutual acquaintances.

Don't keep in the friendzone

If you don't want to go on a date with a nice person who just isn't the right partner for you, you might be tempted to keep them as friends. But this is just another way to give hope that will not come true. Many men take on the role of a friend to become something more later. Therefore, the polite way to say no is, to tell the truth.

Explain the decision to the owl

How to reject someone nicely over text? Some men need help when it comes to dating. If you have rejected his advances and he asks for an explanation, you do not have to go forward at all. "You're not my type" is fine. But if you are determined to give detailed recommendations, and he will accept constructive criticism, why not help the person?

If you have rejected his advances and he asks for an explanation, you do not have to go forward at all.

Don't send conflicting messages

How to decline a date over text? Smiling can sweeten the bitter pill of rejection, especially if you're trying to be polite. But some actions can be perceived as flirting. So try to be as brief as possible and don't be too nice to him after that. Otherwise, your boyfriend may decide that he just needs to put in more effort.

Rejection of dating on social networks

How to turn down a date over text? If you don’t even want to start a conversation, it’s better to answer: “Sorry, I’m sure you are a great guy and conversationalist, but I don’t have time for new acquaintances and relationships.” If the communication took place and the man invites you to see him, but you don’t want to, say honestly that you are satisfied with a friendly note and this guy did not interest you as a possible lover.

Properly refuse courtship

“I don’t want to” can be said in more than a dozen ways, from rude to silent. But it is better not to use either rudeness or silence. Without witnesses, tete-a-tete, explain to the boyfriend that you will not start a relationship, which is your principled position.

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