The Art of the First Date Kiss: When and How


How to kiss on your first date? The meeting of two young people is not just the beginning of a new relationship; it is the birth of a whole romantic story in which each of the two characters must fit harmoniously, with dignity, with an understanding of the matter, so to speak. In the understanding of most guys, a lasting impression of the first evening can be created with a passionate kiss. But the weak half of our humanity, despite its modernity, is not always in a hurry to take a reciprocal step towards its partner.

The Art of the First Date Kiss: When and How

How to know when to kiss on the first date?

Do not ask a girl for permission to kiss her; perhaps in the past, the question of permission to kiss sounded like a sign of a gentleman's upbringing, but at present, “Can I kiss you?” — sounds a bit naive. In most cases, after such a question, the girl will refuse a kiss, referring rather to avoiding a responsible step that an inexperienced gentleman recklessly assigned to her. Although, on the other hand, the girl already wants to be kissed, she's just afraid to give the impression of an easily accessible young lady. So the guy should immediately take all the “blame” for the kiss.

Even modern girls, to some extent, have a natural shyness, which is mixed with its other inherent qualities - moral attitudes and a bit of harmfulness. Therefore, the question to the girl: “Why are you breaking down and don’t want tactility?” - would also be inappropriate. She will not be able to give a clear answer to him, and even more, she will avoid the touches that are necessary in order to destroy the psychological barrier.

How to get a kiss on the first date?

We want to kiss those who we like not only externally, internally but also from the point of view of smell.

  • Method number 1 sense of smell. Even the most attractive and intellectually developed guy should understand that the features of his body do not always correspond to appearance - we mean the smell from the mouth. No matter how hard we try to clean the oral cavity, after a while, the unpleasant smell returns - outwit nature, take fragrant chewing gum with you on a date.

  • Method number 2 touch. Intimate touching, which is generally not allowed on a first date, is allowed as a test for a girl's consent to kiss. Touch the person you love more openly and watch her reaction. If she pulls your hand away, don't kiss her just yet. But if she clung to you even more, then be sure that your kiss on 1st date will be just the way.

  • Method number 3 hair. At this stage, the guy should not outwit nature but the girl herself - sleight of hand and no fraud, as magicians like to say. But who said that you are not a magician - quietly put a leaf from a tree on her front strand of hair, for example, then obviously, try to remove it from there. If the girl does not allow you to touch her hair, wait a while with a kiss. Feel free to kiss her if your touch is reflected in a pleasant emotion on your face.

  • Method number 4 labial "hypnosis." Hold your gaze on her lips, then slowly move it to her eyes and back. In most cases, such “hypnosis” of the lips has a positive effect. But so that there is no understatement, in this variant, you (the guy) just need to ask a question like: Do you want to kiss me? The answer is, of course, “I don’t know.” "Maybe" - and so on ... But if you do not hear a firm: "No," - all the rest of her words can be considered affirmative: "Yes."

The right type of the first kiss

How to kiss on the first date? The first kiss should be quick and harmless, made on the cheek. Do not show the girl all your desires at once so as not to scare her away. For example, before a lip kiss, you can make kisses on the neck, ear, or hair. “Walking” in this way through her erogenous zones, you can try to step over to a kiss on the lips.

A girl who had a strict upbringing falls into feigned embarrassment at the first kiss and may even break it off. But excuses from the lips of a guy in this situation will sound pathetic. Therefore, the guy should turn everything into a joke - if you made the girl laugh, you almost fell in love with her.

A girl who has a penchant for watching melodrama is more amenable to kissing on a first date - guys just need to understand that everything is in their hands.

Reasons for refusing to kiss, not only at the first meeting, may be as follows:

  • The presence of bad breath from the guy;

  • Inability to kiss;

  • Crowded place.

Kiss on lips on first date

The role and first date kissing rules are ambiguous; for example, if a guy invites a girl on a date to get her intimate as soon as possible, you can’t do without a kiss on a first date.

And if a guy has serious intentions about a girl and sincere feelings for her, then slowness with kisses will only strengthen his position as a responsible and well-mannered person. The girl will understand that she is interested in him not only on a physical level but also morally.

How to ask for kiss on first date?

Most often, the decision to kiss on the first date usually falls to the man. This makes him doubt a lot: in the case of a kiss, a girl may find him too intrusive and even willing to seduce. And if you don’t kiss on the first date, the companion may well decide that she got an indecisive man, and then the matter will not go beyond friendship. How to go for a kiss on a date? Despite each person's individuality, there are typical fears that torment all men before deciding to kiss on the first date. Knowing them, you can feel much more confident and significantly increase your chances of success. Thanks to simple signals, you can recognize that the girl is already set for the first kiss with her companion:

  • She often leans towards a man, trying to get close.

  • She actively participates in the conversation, asks questions, and shows interest.

  • A girl cancels her business or meeting friends in order to meet a man.

  • The companion hugs you, showing her serious intentions.

  • The girl's gaze is directed at the man's lips; this is a subconscious desire to kiss them.

Dating tips first kiss

The first kiss is a serious advancement in a relationship with a pretty partner. If he was successful, then the man managed to achieve sympathy from his companion and move from a friendly stage to a more serious one. Any girl perfectly feels a man's mood - if he is afraid of the first kiss, his companion will quickly feel it. Therefore, you should not be tormented by thoughts that the first kiss is scary and risky and that the companion will refuse and stop communicating. If communication goes well, the girl will want such a manifestation of sympathy from you; she will try to hint at her desire to kiss in every possible way. If the companion does not like you, kissing her will be almost impossible - the girl simply will not allow it.

How should a first date kiss go?

Everyone reacts differently to kissing on a first date. For some, a kiss is a very intimate gesture and is used in different ways depending on the situation. For example, a kiss on the cheek is a gesture of friendship, often used as a greeting or goodbye. However, especially romantic people may take this as a hint of love feelings. A kiss on the neck is an intimate gesture that indicates a clear desire to continue the relationship. It can be gentle and timid, hinting at a sexual relationship. But a quick kiss on the lips clearly makes it clear about passion when the companion realizes that she has turned the man's head, and he longs to continue.

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