What is it like to date an Aries man?


What is it like to date an Aries man? The representatives of this controversial and rather complex sign are closely intertwined with advantages and disadvantages. People who have encountered one of the families of these stubborn militant people on their path of life are very often interested in the questions, who is the Aries man, and how to behave with him? In order to understand this, you need to study the features of his character and attitude to various spheres of life.

What is it like to date an Aries man?

All about Aries men

Representatives of this zodiac constellation are very impulsive, subject to sudden changes in mood, and completely unable to control their emotions. They can be in a great mood now, and in a minute, it is not clear for what reason, literally fall into a rage.

People who have been dating an Aries guy almost always describe them as unpredictable individuals with explosive temperaments. Next to Aries, you never know what awaits you in the next moment. Relations with a representative of this fire sign, which is ruled by Mars, are like walking through a minefield.

At the same time, these men are characterized by such features as romance, generosity, childish naivety, and youthful maximalism. They tend to put people they like on a pedestal. But it’s worth the girl he likes to stumble at least in something, not justify the hopes placed on her; he can refuse her just as easily as he fell in love before. For a typical man of this sign, there is no concept of a “golden mean” - everything is either too good or bad. The most important thing for Aries is to be in the spotlight; everything and everyone should revolve around his person and obey his mood.

Understanding Aries man

Aries always and everywhere strive to be the first. If fate is favorable to the representative of the constellation ruled by Mars, and he succeeds in realizing his dreams and ambitions, then the character of this person will be soft, as far as possible, with his innate militancy. All men of this zodiac sign have certain character traits by which they can be unmistakably calculated in the company of friends or a work team.

How to date an Aries man?

In the manifestation of feelings, a man in love ruled by Mars is like lightning. He was born to conquer, but everything must be swift - he came, saw, and conquered. He will not build cunning plans, develop tactics, or starve the object of his sighs. He is also burdened by the daily routine of life. He will not do anything to improve relations in the family - in this regard, a woman should try.

First date with Aries, man. You should not expect sensitivity from this man - he is harsh in his judgments, assertive, and rude. Heartfelt conversations irritate him. This man is romantic and gallant only during courtship, and having achieved his goal and getting married, he begins to “tighten the screws” and push his wife to fit his needs.

With regard to sex, Aries is insatiable - not every woman can endure his burning temperament. The positive aspects of the nature of this sign are loyalty, reliability, and honesty. He will never leave his soul mate in trouble and will defend her interests to the end.

Compatibility with an Aries man in love will be good if:

  • You can freely express love, passion, and desires.

  • Do not adhere to strictness, restraint in behavior

  • You think that real passion can be combined with aggressiveness.

Aries in Friendship

Men born under this constellation are the most faithful and reliable friends, always ready to help. However, they will not take the initiative. If you need Aries's help, you need to ask him about it. Well, if his friends have no problems, he will gladly create an atmosphere of a real holiday around them. Very often, cheerful and careless, he does not notice the experiences of his loved ones, but not because all his attention is directed to his own person. Just by being in the company of Aries, people forget about their problems, and their mood improves dramatically.

Dating an Aries man advice

So, having studied the main features of the representative of this fire sign under the control of Mars, you can develop a certain strategy of behavior in which everyone will be comfortable. What should be avoided in dealing with him, and what should be done on the contrary? Here are some tips to help date an Aries man:

  • Use everything that will make him feel important and important - praise, admire, and always consult with this man before doing anything.

  • Never argue with Aries - sharp corners are best avoided. Before entering into an open confrontation with him, think about the fact that this will not lead to anything other than a spoiled mood and spent nerves. Aries will defend his position with foam at the mouth, and he can even use his fists in the heat of the moment.

  • Be extremely honest with him. This man is too smart not to notice insincerity, plus everything has a fair amount of insight. If he doesn’t understand something in his mind, then he will definitely “intuit” the catch. Once having caught someone in a lie, Aries will forever cease to trust this person. Perhaps he will forgive the liar, but further relationships will be saturated with suspicion.

  • If the question concerns family life, a woman who decides to connect her fate with Aries must become gentle, affectionate, and complacent. This man cannot stand it when he is “sawed” - a grumpy lady has no place next to him. The main criteria for an ideal companion are femininity, complete submission, and the ability to create coziness and comfort.

Perhaps the rules of behavior with Aries will seem too strict and complicated to someone, but it will not work in another way to build good relations with this man. It is worth thinking carefully before making a final decision. Next to Aries (be it friendship or love), only a wise and self-confident person can feel comfortable.

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