What's an Aphrodisiac and How It Works


What is an Aphrodisiac

What’s an aphrodisiac? Aphrodisiacs (named after the goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite) are substances that stimulate sexual desire and sexual activity. Aphrodisiacs traditionally include various substances of plant and animal origin. As a rule, such products are distinguished by a bright smell and taste.

Aphrodisiacs can be products familiar to humans (eggs, chocolate, oysters, celery, honey, mussels, garlic, horseradish, etc.), some spices, herbs and pheromones - odorous substances secreted by the glands of animals.

natural aphrodisiac

Getting into the human body through the oral cavity, the respiratory tract or through the skin, the aphrodisiac begins to act like hormones involved in the sexual arousal. In this case, the mechanism of action of different aphrodisiacs is different. Some increase sexual desire, others increase sensuality, and others - help to relax. In addition, aphrodisiacs have an antidepressant effect on the body, and also have a tonic and rejuvenating effect.

Aphrodisiac products increase vitality and enhance sexual ability, are much more humane than Viagra. Many doctors believe that the "placebo effect" is included here. Like, if a person is tuned in and believes that the product enhances sexuality, the product has an effect. The organism is programmed to the desired result.

Aphrodisiacs are not a myth or a whim of weary erotomaniacs. They are indispensable when relationships are at risk of getting bogged down in the daily routine. The good news is that your access to aphrodisiacs does not depend on your income. In a large army of aphrodisiacs, fabulously expensive products peacefully coexist with the most liberal price tags. This is very nice, because experts advise to include in each dish at least one "erotic" component. As a side note, we recommend not to eat aphrodisiacs in an unfamiliar company, just… remember that, don’t ask any questions.

From a scientific point of view, aphrodisiacs are all products that contain zinc and selenium, which are necessary for the production of testosterone, and vitamins A, B1, C and E, which are responsible for hormones and relieve fatigue. Also, easily digestible proteins and fatty acids, which serve as an energy source, will do. Aphrodisiacs are best to “eat” in the afternoon, having dinner 2 hours before the joys of love. And, of course, do not overeat - it is better if there is a feeling of slight hunger. From now on we will talk about how aphrodisiacs affect both genders and will enlist most important and accessible aphrodisiac products.

Before we go any further, we would like to address the two most popular and widely-debated products. Some consider them to be useless as aphrodisiacs, yet we are here to set things straight.

Are Oysters an Aphrodisiac?

They absolutely are. This mollusk has been known to be an aphrodisiac for over 2000 years. They even look obscene! To treat a girl with oysters is not even a hint but an offer you cannot refuse! In the Roman Empire, they were included in the compulsory diet of hetairas, so that they did their job with enthusiasm, without faking it. According to a legend, breakfast of Casanova began with 50 oysters. For a mere mortal, a dozen mollusks would be enough. natural aphrodisiac for womenThey come either raw on ice, or with the permission of the legislators of the love and culinary fashion - the French, - baked. What provides mollusks with their "resuscitation effect"? Solid protein, vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus, iodine and the main sex mineral - zinc. And while we are at it, fish, in general, helps with sexual desire, so if you ever asked yourself, “Is sushi an aphrodisiac” – yes, but there are better and more direct ways to stimulate your libido.

Is Chocolate an Aphrodisiac?

In short, it depends on a type of chocolate and how much cocoa it contains. But yes, it is an aphrodisiac, and a strong one at that.

Chocolate is the most feminine aphrodisiac and the most common delicacy in the world. The Aztec recipe, from which the Spaniards learned about cocoa beans and the beverage made from them, included vanilla and chili pepper, which made the product the strongest stimulant.

Until the mid-17th century, the recipe for making chocolate was kept in the Spanish archives under the heading "secret." Then Louis XIV received it as a dowry for his beloved – a Spanish princess – and then the whole world found out about it. It is known that the favorite of his son, Madame de Pompadour, drank hot chocolate with ambergris and celery every evening, and most of us in a difficult hour, automatically unfold a chocolate bar. Our advice: choose bitter chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% and burn calories in a timely manner (using love gymnastics, for example).

Aphrodisiac for Women

To be sensual and desirable is a natural feminine desire, which remains unchanged throughout human history. Using aphrodisiacs for women in products that are available and widespread, to achieve this result will not be difficult at all.

Unlike men, women may experience problems with libido, which cannot be eliminated with the help of artificial blood flow to the genitals, since the female body is arranged in a slightly different way. If men have all sensitive receptors for intimacy concentrated in the groin area, in women the whole body should be permeated with desire. It is possible to achieve this with the help of aphrodisiacs. Due to their effect, a passion of a woman gets woken, they activate the action of endorphins and testosterone. Sometimes the best option is not to search for specific products to increase libido and pharmacy aphrodisiacs for women. We would rather advise the more natural and, perhaps, safe way of consuming aphrodisiac products, which you can find below, than using aphrodisiac drugs. (However aphrodisiac essential oils are a good option as well).

Aphrodisiac Foods for Women

1. Bergamot - the most effective natural aphrodisiac for women. Bergamot helps a woman to relax and relieves depression. It is one of the best natural aphrodisiacs for women. No wonder it is the oil of bergamot that is often used for erotic massages.

2. Saffron is a powerful female aphrodisiac that increases libido. The composition of saffron contains hormone-like substances that stimulate the erogenous zones.

3. Geranium is one of the strongest aphrodisiac herbs, that is more suitable for mature women. Essential oils of geranium support women's health, contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels and help get rid of tenseness. In addition, geranium oil will be useful in the treatment of migraines, menopause and cerebral vasospasm.

4. Ylang-ylang oil. This product is considered the best aphrodisiac for women, which does not act immediately, but after some time. Ylang-ylang oil increases the sensitivity of receptors and increases sexual desire. This oil is best applied on the wrists and on the area behind the ears.

Aphrodisiac for Men

Men have long been aware of the stimulating properties of some products. The genitalia of aggressive animals - for example, a tiger or walrus - are terribly useful for increasing libido. And in Spain, the matadors still eat the testicles of the defeated bull in the arena - this gives them courage and sexuality.

These substances can increase sexual desire and stamina. There are a number of natural and synthetic aphrodisiacs that, in one way or another, affect the power of desire. But it is worth remembering that the best way to influence your sex life is to control your diet and exercise.

Men begin to be interested in this topic in two cases: if they are aesthetes and want to turn their amorous things into a form of a ritual or an art, or in case of problems with erection, or pleasure. In the first case, aphrodisiacs can really help. They will bring some mystery and beauty to sexual intercourse. Just imagine, before meeting with your beloved, you light the aroma lamp, rub the essential oil into the skin, scatter rose petals on the bed – the desire will definitely increase. In case of the second scenario, we would rather put more faith into doctors then into “enhancing products”.

Aphrodisiac Foods for Men

1. Red caviar and black caviar. Caviar is a very healthy delicacy that is also a male aphrodisiac. It contains protein, a lot of useful amino acids, minerals, vitamins A, C and D, as well as zinc. All these substances contribute to the development of germ cells. In addition, caviar is well absorbed by the body and does not burden the stomach.

best aphrodisiac2. Avocados. It is one of the best aphrodisiac fruits. It has a reputation for increasing libido, largely because of its name. The word "avocado" in the Aztec language is "egg tree" - its shape resembles the anatomy of the male genital organs. Avocados contain vitamins A, D, E and PP, fatty acids and natural hormones. All these substances contribute to an increase in potency, especially in men.

3. Nuts. They contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and proteins, which are quickly absorbed by the body. Therefore, they will be able to saturate the body, but they will not burden the stomach. That is, there will be energy for love pleasures, and it won’t be wasted on the digestion of food.

4. Onions and garlic. Surprisingly, but despite their unpleasant odor, these foods have a very beneficial effect on libido. They contain vitamins C, B, E, PP, essential oils, iron, iodine and copper. But the main thing is that garlic and onion are rich in zinc. It is vitamins and zinc that contribute to the development of male germ cells. You can check it out for yourself, armed with mint candies and mouth fresheners.

5. Spices. Prepare a dinner, that is seasoned with a pinch of cardamom, red pepper or curry. These spices contain a whole group of vitamins, for example, vitamin C and E, vitamins of group B (B2, B6). They invigorate and improve blood circulation by stimulating blood flow to the “right” organ.

6. Asparagus. This product contains a large amount of vitamin E - an antioxidant, through which oxygen is transferred to the genitals. It is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs. It is best to be served steamed or grilled, as it will retain more useful ingredients. Asparagus contains aspartic acid, which contributes to the prolongation of sexual intercourse.

7. Ginger. One of the best natural aphrodisiac foods, it is a product that increases potency and sexual desire, and also gives the body energy. In addition, ginger helps to normalize blood pressure, helps to reduce weight and cholesterol in the blood, which generally has a positive effect on potency.

Comments (1)

I really love avocados! To be honest, I didn’t even know that it is an aphrodisiac.
16.07.2020 15:57

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