Are Breaks Good For Relationships?


Are breaks good for a relationship? It happens that a couple is going through hard times, but the separation is not discussed. Serious feelings are not scattered, even if the relationship has landed in a zone of severe turbulence. Why rush from one extreme to another if you can resort to a temporary measure of a pause in relations, a break from obligations, quarrels and disputes, common plans, and disappointments?


How does a break work in a relationship?


Literally, taking a step back in a relationship means that you and your partner have not officially broken up but decided to take a break from each other by agreeing to take a break from the relationship. As both wisely suggested, the time apart will give you the opportunity to reflect on the existing relationship, reevaluate your feelings and make a decision: either stay together or still break up.

Are Breaks Good For Relationships?

What will taking a break from dating give you?


Usually, couples decide to take a break because they face problems that cannot be solved side by side, and quarrels and resentments multiply, adding doubts about compatibility. At the same time, it is obvious to both that their love is real; therefore, neither he nor she wants to refuse the other. Or perhaps both are a little unsure about their feelings but still hope that they can get something lasting. Taking a break in a relationship rules is not the end, but, on the contrary, a chance to start anew, having carefully considered in solitude what you want from a partner and what, first of all, is best for you.

Temporary separation provides several benefits; although you may appear to be drifting apart, a short break can strengthen your bond. What is a break in a relationship? First of all, the opportunity to take a fresh look at your tandem, to see from the side what its successes and problems are, how to think about and, possibly, reconsider your own desires and needs. By gaining the opportunity for personal space, it will be easier for you to understand your partner's role in your life and how their presence affects you and your well-being. And if everything goes according to plan, after the agreed time, you will reunite to honestly articulate to each other what you would like to achieve as a couple and what you need to work on for the sake of a common future.


How to survive a break in your relationship?


With clear advantages, a break in a relationship also has obvious disadvantages. The main downside is that taking a break from dating can be a pain-killing reprieve from an impending breakup. Such thoughts come to mind if you decide to pause a relationship after a major quarrel; the impressions of the conflict are still fresh, and therefore you can’t believe that it will be possible to restore the previous contact.

When agreeing to take a break from a relationship for mental health, you need to understand why this is being started and how to behave to suffer less. The break delays the inevitable collapse but, at the same time, prolongs the pain, sadness, and/or guilt associated with the situation. Thus, a pause in a relationship becomes not only a saving buffer but also a productive source of stress and anxiety. Knowing the impressionability of lovers, it is easy to predict that in the minds of temporarily free partners, the questions “where is he/she?”, “With whom?”, “What is he doing?” And, most importantly, what decision will be made regarding the joint future?

Successful interaction with a loved one is based on the habit of sincere dialogue. If you are seriously considering whether to take a break from a relationship, take care of the right entry into your days of independence, talk openly and honestly with each other and approve the ground rules that taking a break in a relationship is healthy. At the same time, both of you should have a similar vision of the reasons for separation and what you hope to achieve.


How long should a relationship break be?


First, it is important to determine the time frame of separation. If you don’t set a date and you, for example, take a break from the relationship for a week, and the boyfriend decides not to see each other for at least a month, the disagreement will add problems in the long run.

Then it is worth discussing what behavior is acceptable, that is, what you are willing to allow yourself and him. A pause in a relationship at the initiative of a man or a woman is not very important; it is much more important to agree. For example, is it okay if you both go on dates with others while you live apart? You need to decide what to do during a break in a relationship.


How to take a break from a relationship without breaking up?


Temporary separation does not mean absolute silence; you will probably call up or exchange messages. Make an appointment the day before the agreed date to ensure you are ready to be together again. Share the insights that came to you in solitude, and discuss what you would like to change so that life together is only joy. You definitely have more chances if you are happy, having barely met, you can’t get enough of him/her because you were very bored and, it seems, are truly in love.


Do breaks in relationships work?


It should be understood that a pause is a serious step, and it is not worth taking in any incomprehensible situation. This is the last measure before the break, a kind of parting probe. And most importantly, no one can predict what such a decision will lead to.

If clear analogies are needed, a break in a relationship is like a drug with severe side effects in a terminal illness. Such a drug is prescribed only in extreme cases. But no one prescribes for a normal cough.

How to tell someone you need a break? A person has a crisis of three years, adolescence, and middle age. But these difficulties allow us to make a leap forward and move to a new level. Same in relationships. But in them, it already depends on two people whether the union will collapse or, conversely, become stronger.

Temporary separation is a way to escape from difficulties briefly. But each partner will take with them the baggage of unresolved problems, which will not become easier at a distance. And if the reunion takes place, then the couple will be in the same situation from which they fled. Because all this time, everyone was stewing in the juice of their own experiences. While the problem is common and it can be solved only together.


Benefits of taking a break from a relationship


  • When irritation and fatigue in a relationship have reached a critical point, relationships develop in different ways. Sometimes people may feel that they are tired of each other, and the accumulated irritation can no longer be contained. Or decide that the partner is tired and building a couple with him was initially the wrong choice. You should call your partner and find out how he is doing and what mood he is in. By intonation, you can feel whether the time has come to an end at the pause or whether it is better to wait. After all, people move at different speeds. For some, even a one-day separation is uncomfortable, while for some, two weeks need to calm down. In any case, things should not be rushed. You can break the pause only when there is a clear desire on both sides to reunite. Often after such pauses, the meetings are joyful and even enchanting.
  • When one of the partners cheats, change is hard. First of all, because there is no correct reaction to this event. The decision on what will happen next with the couple will have to be taken by the partners. It is especially difficult for someone who has been cheated on because he experiences a lot of emotions at the same time, which are not so easy to understand. It would be the right decision to take a break from the relationship to work on myself. Partners, even despite the storm of emotions, are not always categorically disposed to parting. It takes time to deal with the situation. And sometimes a pause in a relationship. Sometimes the partner who has changed hesitates and needs help understanding whether he wants to maintain the old relationship or is interested in a new one. And take a break to think things through. Knowing how to take a break in a relationship will help you better understand your feelings and make important decisions.

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