How to Understand That a Girl is Cheating


How do I know if my girlfriend cheated on me? Cheating, of course, spoils relationships, but it can be prevented if you pay attention to the behavior of your soul mate. Girls who are ready to change or who have already found someone “on the side” behave differently and become more hidden and withdrawn. Don't be fooled, and check what's going on in your relationship.

How to Understand That a Girl is Cheating

Inevitable signs your girlfriend is cheating

  • A cheating girl limits her personal space. She begins to hide correspondence, does not give her phone or computer, and gets nervous if her partner uses one of the gadgets without asking. Most likely, she will change passwords to exclude access to personal information. It is important to understand that the concept of personal space is different for everyone, and not every friend will be happy if her faithful from the first day of their life together is going to leaf through her correspondence and monitor social networks. It is precisely a sharp and inexplicable desire to urgently protect yourself from a partner that should alert you if this has not happened before.

  • The girl begins to take care of herself and changes her image from hair and makeup to clothes. Previously, she did this for her partner, but over time, feelings and emotions became dull, and many hours of fees were reduced. And here again, the girl is spinning near the mirror, straightening her hair, and instead of the usual sneakers, she puts on heels, carefully paints, and uses new toilet water. Such a sign indicates that she wants to impress, perhaps not her partner. When your girlfriend is cheating on you she wants to appear beautiful and well-groomed.

  • The girl begins to spend more time in the company of friends but does not invite her partner to meetings. Signs your girlfriend is cheating on you. She can come home late, in a great mood, and she will only dismiss questions about how she spent her time. It is possible that after such walks, she will be banned in the bathroom along with the phone.

  • Your intimate life tends to be zero. Even kisses have become rare, and when you go out, the girl does not hold your hand. This behavior may indicate that she is cheating. She wants to see not you next to her, and it becomes unpleasant for her to kiss you.

  • She begins to miss calls, stops responding to messages, and very often says that the phone has sat down or she did not hear the melody. At such moments the girl may meet a new fan, so the phone is on silent mode or completely turned off.

  • She has overtime work, new responsibilities at the institute, or other things that do not allow her to come home on time. If this has not happened before, the partner should consider it.

  • The girl becomes an indifferent partner. What are signs of cheating, girlfriend? She stops noticing his late arrivals from work or school, does not pay attention to his appearance, and generally seems to have forgotten that he exists. Communication is reduced to a minimum, and the partner feels that his chosen one is moving away.

  • The girl herself can tell about a new acquaintance in every possible way, emphasizing that they are connected only by friendly relations. However, more and more often, the eyes begin to shine, and stories about his virtues, character traits, and appearance can go on for a long time.

  • Pickiness about appearance. Physical signs of your girlfriend is cheating. She begins to find fault with her appearance. Just like that, all of a sudden, without an objective reason. When asked why she decided to dye her hair and exchange jeans for dresses, she gets angry or answers something illegible. Usually, traitors begin with the following:

  1. buy sexy translucent underwear, sweaters with a deep neckline, and short shorts/skirts;

  2. wear heels when they go somewhere without a spouse, although they used to prefer other shoes;

  3. observe hygiene more carefully; remember to shave your legs and intimate areas more often;

  4. take a shower/bath not only according to the usual daily “ritual” but also before going out somewhere;

  5. apply “ceremonial” makeup and manicures; use perfumes and creams more than before;

  6. fight with the shortcomings of the figure - train, adhere to proper nutrition, go to salons, although before, "there was no opportunity/time/strength."

In general, she begins to behave as in the first years of meeting her husband. She is again trying to impress, but most likely, she is no longer a spouse. Not mine, anyway.

  • Blockage at work/school. Sure signs your girlfriend is cheating. Sadistic boss, end of the work quarter, tender, colleague/classmate who asked to replace or does not want to help in a joint project, untimely session, “tails.” The list is huge. Meet tonight? Not worth it. Spend "to work on Saturday"? Nope. Come help with business? Absolutely not. She will ask or even demand not to come to her place of work/study. It will motivate the need for freedom and trust and put forward an argument like “The girls will laugh,” “What are you like with the little one?”. Or it can present a lie in a beautiful wrapper “I don’t want you to strain / you’re so tired / it’s so cold there, you’ll get sick more.”

  • New hobby. Top signs of cheating girlfriend. Yoga, dancing, cooking classes, art classes, and literature clubs that she hadn't even mentioned before. True, she goes to them somehow irregularly or too often, she doesn’t show ads/sites, and she doesn’t speak clearly about the place where everything happens. She does not want to show what she has learned - she is probably shy. What they did in the classroom do not immediately remember. However, after a couple of weeks or months, this problem disappears - lying becomes a habit and becomes not so difficult. Also, a new hobby can be one of the signs she is cheating with my friend.

Every couple can save a relationship, but it is important to work together on your union and not let circumstances separate you. You can avoid trouble and betrayal if you notice the beginning changes in the behavior of your beloved in time. Usually, cheating is preceded by disagreements in couples, cooling of feelings, and other disturbing moments; having dealt with them in a timely manner, you can prevent cheating.

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