When And How To Make A Relationship Official?


When to make a relationship official? The one who met his one and only, one can only envy. It doesn't matter if it's 3 weeks from now or 7 years from now; one day, the question of marriage will be on the horizon. If the official marriage is included in the life plans of both partners, accept congratulations. Does it remain to decide when exactly to play the wedding?

When And How To Make A Relationship Official?

How long should you wait to make a relationship official?

Scientists who study relationships within couples ask the same question, how long do you need to be friends before marriage? How long do you have to meet to get married and not regret it? After 2 years of relationship or after 5? What reasons are good enough to wait? To be in a relationship means to immerse yourself in the inner world of a partner, over time asserting yourself in the thought that you are made for each other. It is not clear who and when decides that the information is already enough to make the most important decision.

Sociologists at Emory Private University surveyed 3,000 married and divorced Americans. To understand when you should make a relationship official. The study asked questions about various aspects of married life, engagement, and the dating period. And although the goal was to study the family values ​​of society, the factors affecting the likelihood of a family breakup in the future were also touched upon.

The focus group was considered those of the respondents who had met less than a year before the marriage proposal. The remaining couples were considered in comparison with this group.

The next group united those who had met before the wedding for about 2 years - the probability of a divorce in the future for such couples turned out to be 20% less. For those couples who had known each other for 3 years or more before the wedding, the chance of breaking up decreased even more significantly - by 50% in each individual period.

It's hard to disagree with the statistics. The longer the spouses knew each other before the wedding, the less chance there was of parting afterward.

How long does it take to date someone before making it official? It turns out that before the wedding it is better to meet a couple of years, although the specified time frame is by no means a strict recommendation. Age and the total time of acquaintance affect the strength of the union.

The duration of the time of recognition of each other is calculated differently in each pair. Lovers who met at 21 are different from those who started dating at 31 and have completely different circumstances than a couple of 41-year-olds. Some fall in love as soon as they meet, while others have been in touch or friends for years before they started dating. But the very fact of perceiving the future husband as a close friend reduces the likelihood of a marriage breaking up by 50%.

Moreover, the subjective judgment that a person is well known to you does not depend on the actual time spent together as a couple.

When does dating become a relationship? Instead of focusing only on the length of the pre-wedding period, it is useful to consider other factors in mutual readiness for married life. After all, it is one thing to meet once a week for a joint trip to the cinema and another to live under the same roof, sharing duties and pleasures.

Signs he wants to be official

Are you in love and want to be married? First, consider these questions. Not only time but how long you should date before becoming official will affect the strength of the marriage. There are a number of other significant factors as well.

  • Relationship reboot. Your wedding will be fabulous. But among the gifts, there will be no magic wand that will turn an unstable, unhealthy relationship into a qualitatively new one. This is the main reason for the sharp decline in family life satisfaction in the first two years. If it seems to you that a wedding will revive a fading love, then the result will be disappointment and annoyance.

  • Partner knowledge. One problem that undermines a seemingly successful marriage is the sudden emergence of new, unexpected facts about a spouse. Ask in advance about the main priorities and values in his life.

  • How does he feel about money?

  • How does he see the upbringing of future children?

By clarifying the details before marriage, it is possible to eliminate the causes of ordinary conflicts in the family.

  • The expectation of happiness. When to go from dating to a relationship? Recent research has shown that expecting future satisfaction leads to hard work in the present. A beautiful picture of a happy family in the subconscious mind sets you up for positive actions, ultimately reducing the risks of divorce. In other words, do not underestimate the value of your ideas about future happiness - the subconscious processes that are happening now are strongly associated with well-being in the family after the wedding.

  • Irritating traits. Sometimes the very traits that were most attractive to you while you were dating become the most repulsive. At the initial stage of a relationship, the difference between a partner and others, extreme inclinations, and a burning look fascinate, delight: “He is so enthusiastic!”, “He ran a super marathon!” Later, these same qualities cause dislike and lead to a decrease in the level of happiness in a couple. Research ahead of time how your fiancé's hobbies might affect your life together in the long run. This is an important step in identifying potential irritants.

  • Persistence in conflict. How to make a relationship official? Even before the wedding, pay attention to how your conflicts and quarrels flow, whether you like to quarrel from the heart or solve problems amicably. Any event between two people tends to repeat itself in the future. Marriage doesn't change anything.

  • Cohabitation. Often, the future bride and groom live together before the wedding - this is a normal phenomenon in modern society. The reasons that prompted a couple to move in together affect how happy they will be in marriage. When people live together to test the strength of a relationship or share living space for other practical reasons (including financial ones), they are less confident in the future with a partner. They are often not 100% faithful to each other. Initial doubts about feelings have an impact on the future when the relationship goes into marriage. Uncertainty lowers marital satisfaction. Couples who are initially confident in their feelings and live together for other reasons (for example, to be closer or see each other more often) are much more stable and ready for a long-term commitment.

How to make it official with your girlfriend?

There is no single factor or timing of readiness for marriage. People start dating at different ages and different stages of life, and every year and experience matters.

Before making a decision, evaluate how well you know your partner and how confident you are in a relationship with him. Honestly, consider the expectations of what will change after the wedding; predict what you will be together in ten years. It may turn out that the time has come to take the plunge and set a wedding day.

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