Short guy dating tips


Don’t let natural selection ruin your chances to meet a woman of your dreams

Being short may come as a disadvantage when you are trying to impress women. Scientifically, though, making the choice based on height dates back to the Paleolithic era. When all men were hunters, dating the tallest one was a wise option. A taller man was a stronger man, a better hunter, and a better provider.

It was thousands years ago. Following the biological choice now may come as an anachronism. However, dating specialists say to blame biology and evolution, not women. Hopefully, you have a lot of options to impress the ladies despite your height. If you’re short, it does not mean you can’t be attractive, confident, and successful. There are no obstacles between short men and dating. You deserve love just like anybody else.


Aim For Impossible and Make it Possible

A lot of tall women are dating short men, the statistics say. Psychologists have a comment on that. Tall women who date short men are trying to cultivate and express dominance. How many times did you see a fashion model-like beauty dating a guy much shorter than she is?

This “tall women short men-situation” exists. No doubt you thought “she‘s with him for money”. No, definitely no. She is with him because his height makes her think she is stronger and have more power. Even if it is not so, the dream is sweet. So, don’t be shy and afraid of tall women. Don’t cross out them from your list of options. Remember that sometimes the opposites attract.

Care about Your Looks

Choose your clothes wisely. If you’re short and think you can ignore your wardrobe, it’s a mistake. You definitely can add a couple of inches if you make the right choices. Stylists and fashion specialists advise to shorten the sleeves and hem the pants. Extra fabric hanging around your wrists and ankles can emphasize that you’re short. Try buying slim fit size instead of regular fit. You may not be tall but you can definitely make an impression of a well-shaped man. Buying the right clothes is enormously useful for short men dating women.

Next dating advice for short men is to work out. No matter how trivial it sounds working out is always a good decision. You can’t afford to be short and lazy at the same time. You can be short but try not to be fat as well. Obviously, it will decrease your chances to impress women.

Accept Yourself as You Are and be Confident

dating-shorter-menIf you want women to look past your height, first do it yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, others might just follow your example. Confidence is the key. Don’t judge yourself for being shorter than other men. Accept this fact because you did not choose to be so. You definitely have a lot of qualities greater than height. Moreover, University of British Columbia 2011 study claims that height is far from being the only criterion according to which women choose men.

Truly, height is not even a quality so don’t let other misinterpret you. Even though you are trying to distract women from your height don’t say to yourself “oh, she probably doesn’t like me because I’m short”. Just forget the fact that you’re shorter than others completely.

Learn How to Make Eye Contact

The first gaze is legendarily important. Don’t stare and monitor her all the time while you’re at the party or in a bar. 3 seconds is how long you can afford to look not to seem desperate. You can try to look her directly in the eyes but, again, be confident. Try practicing on others, your friends, people on the street. This way it won’t be awkward when you do it to attract her. Dating specialist Nick Notas says that you need to learn how to look right into her soul. By making the right eye contact she would be able to recognize your interest.

Be Interesting and be Interested in Her

Imagine you are playing a role. Your role is the perfect man who is confident, interesting, and caring. Don’t change yourself entirely. Be yourself but make an attempt to show your best sides as if you know you are talking to “the one”. You probably have a hobby. Talk about it and be passionate about what you do or how you live your life. Remember that energy, dynamics, and enthusiasm are contagious.

Pay attention to what she says, how she looks, moves. It is called nonverbal communication. The looks and moves are just as important as words. Sit or stand comfortably, use gestures and mimics as if you’re an orator but stay humble at the same time. People like what other people are passionate about. Even if she’s not into cars, baseball, and IT software, you can make it interesting for her to listen to.

Listen to what she says and cultivate interest. Ask questions and demand details, be amazed and shocked at how successful or unique she is. Be original yourself and approach her originality. Say a couple of compliments at different occasions. Try finding the reasons to separate her from other women and highlight her uniqueness. Being short you should be a good communicator able to get the conversation going.

The Advantages of Being Shorter Than Other Men

A direct look in the face from above, especially on the first date, may be intimidating. But if you’re the same height as the woman you meet, you can look her straight in the face. She won’t feel intimidated because you can’t scare her. This is an opportunity not to feel like a threat.

Dating advisors say women feel comfortable around short men. You may not be kind or humble only because you’re not as tall as others. However, a woman can feel that way about you. Think about it and use it to your advantage. So, you’re not a big strong masculine guy or at least you don’t appear as such. Good, it means that a woman may be more open to you.

dating short menA 2014 working paper from the Bureau of Economic Research on men’s heights and dynamics in relationships imply that shorter men do more household duties and are less likely to divorce. The statistics also suggested that shorter men make women more secure about their own imperfections. The same says short men make better husbands and are more successful in their work.

Be Twice as Good as Others in Bed

The fact that you’re short does not make you any less sexually. You can be attractive and sexually magnetizing. Express your sexual experience. Never be shy talking about sex if that is what she wants to talk about. In bed you are just like anybody else, even better. You can surprise her seeing as how she underrates you. Therefore, you have an advantage. Believing in it will make you more confident. Besides being confident altogether, be specifically confident about your sexuality. So, you’re not as tall as others but your face, hair, stature, and everything else that matters are perfectly normal.

Believe that what you don’t have (height) does not really matter. What matters is who you are and what you do. Your height does not define you. So, you are the master in bed, super-confident, very understanding, gentle but strong at the same time. It will work.

Do Not Lie About Your Height

Let’s assume you’re using dating services and applications. Do not make photos with you sitting and don’t add yourself an extra couple of inches. Be true about yourself. You do not want a woman to lie about her weight, right? So, be straightforward with women you are trying to meet online. Short men dating problems come from their inability to accept themselves.

Don’t Blame Your Height for Everything

Try counterbalancing your short height with something more interesting, important, and effective. Recommendations on dating for short men are all about confidence. To attract her, talk about different things and express confidence thinking that she likes you. When you date a woman you should never think “oh, she slips away, I can’t keep her”. Be confident to the last moment of either your success or unfortunate and accidental failure. If the woman is not interested in you, it does not necessarily mean your height is to blame. Blaming everything on your height will make you ruminate on something you can’t change instead of effectively training your skills.

Think About Opportunities

Distract yourself with thoughts like that: “At least I don’t get my head beaten all the time by the top of the doorway” and “I am in a more comfortable position to kiss her”. Imagine other things like that and let these little details encourage you to accept yourself as you are. You’re not alone. There are people without legs and hands, people with epilepsy, and other physical and mental conditions. You are just not as tall as other men. Nevertheless, there are millions of men like you out there. Think about them as your community. You’re never alone.

Your height is just a part of yourself as anything else. People easily start judging themselves and are never satisfied with what they have. Forget about your fictive “problem” and remember that if the attraction is real and sexual tension is high, everybody would look past you being shorter than others.

Be Open Minded and Creative

This advice works for everybody. Unlike others, you cannot afford to ignore it. Make your attitude creative. Instead of going to a restaurant or a movie theater, try renting a boat and cross a lake. You can invite her to a museum so you have plenty of subjects to talk about. Do not just sit in front of each other eating food.

Try to eliminate the possibility of mistake even before you begin. The first date is all it takes to either give you a chance or never meet you anymore. So, choose a fair or a pie contest, try visiting zoo, aquarium or anything else like that. Be on the move. There is little to nothing more trivial than going to a restaurant. You’re the man and it’s up to you to choose the battleground. Do the wise choice and make her agree.

Comments (1)

Well, I am tall enough to not face any difficulties with long-legged beauties, but I will hardly start dating a girl who is much taller. It’s not exciting at all.
16.07.2020 15:09

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