When should I break up with my girlfriend and how to do it right?


When should I break up with my girlfriend, and how to do it right?

Why can't I break up with my girlfriend? For some reason, breaking up always causes fear. Because of this, many couples coexist for many years in a bleak connection, but, in the end, their separation becomes even more painful.

When should I break up with my girlfriend and how to do it right? - image 1

First of all, you need to realize that not everyone can find their soul mate the first time. Being in a connection not with “your” person, you risk missing your destiny.

Signs you should break up with your girlfriend

  • Unacceptable traits. First of all, think about whether there is something in the girl that you cannot put up with? Why should I break up with my girlfriend? Try to use the old psychological method, take a sheet of paper and write down all the positive qualities of your girlfriend in one column, and the negative ones in the second. 

  • Understand yourself. How to understand I should stay with my girlfriend? If you are afraid that the girl will leave you, as it was in the past, or you have the thought, “I think my girlfriend is going to break up with me” in your head, you have to go through all the pain of parting again, this is not a reason to break up. First of all, understand yourself; it’s not possible to talk to a girl or a psychologist about your problems in the past that hinder you in the future.

  • Call of Duty. Maybe you're only dating a girl because you can't tell her about the breakup and hurt her; then, should I dump my girlfriend? Very often, there are people who do not live for themselves because of a sense of duty, gratitude, and fear of upsetting their partner. Are you ready to devote your whole life to a person just because of this? It won't be fair to both of you.

  • Fear of loneliness. You may not be able to end the connection because you are afraid of being alone. Think you can't survive alone? If that's the reason you're together, then this connection is doomed to failure. If that doesn't convince you, then try to learn how to live on your own: do laundry, cook, clean, solve everyday problems, and make friends. When the fear of alone recedes, ask yourself the question again: are you ready to live with an unloved person because you can handle everything yourself?

  • The feelings are gone. If you think about the signs of breaking up with my girlfriend, then the departure of feelings for a person is really a good reason. Even if you were previously madly in love with a girl, now you realize that your feelings are gone, then there are two ways out. First, try to return the feelings. Perhaps because of everyday life, you forgot about what you were before. Try to return to your life with more different events, distract from everyday problems. If it didn’t help, then be honest with her and with yourself. If you don't love her now, you risk hating her later. 

  • "Weekend" in a connection. It takes time to understand exactly what should I break up with my girlfriend. Never make hasty decisions. Give yourself a day off. Be alone and think things through. Meditate and listen to yourself. 

  • Feeling of shame. Do you appear in public together? Not? And why? Is she not very beautiful, smart, and educated? If everything suits you, but you are afraid of someone else's opinion, then here you need to learn not to be a hostage of other people. Perhaps you have been thinking about breaking up with my girlfriend for a long time. Another thing is if you do not want to see such a girl next to you. Then the connection must end. And, in order to no longer find yourself in such a situation, learn to define personal boundaries in a connection. In this case, both partners will be more comfortable, and the connection will be stronger.

How do you know if you should break up with your girlfriend?

  • Manipulation. Tyranny in a connection can make spending time together unbearable. Often women try to control the life of their partner completely. Moreover, there is often physical violence in such connections. It is better to part with such people quickly and unambiguously. And if the girlfriend can't, should we break up? Then you need to find the strength in yourself to end this connection. And it is best to do this in a crowded place where you do not risk bringing down the wrath of a girl in all its diversity.

  • Respect. This is one of the important components of a strong connection. If the criticism directed at you is constructive and helps you improve, this is not a reason to leave. In this way, the partner takes care of you and tries to help and advise how to cope with this or that problem, although you may not like these words. Another thing is if her criticism is aimed at humiliating your personality, even in small things. This is already an indicator of disrespect for a man and is one of the signs I should break up with my girlfriend. Relationships like this need to end.

  • Compulsion. If a girl is forcing you to do something you don't want, like drinking, smoking, or acting in a way you don't want to, without accepting your refusal, the best solution is to break up. If you still think I should break up with my GF, then there should be no additional doubts after the restrictions and resentment.

If you feel lonely after a breakup, sign up for GoDateNow. Here you can discover Girls online gallery and choose a girl who might become your soul mate. Also, read Our Dating Blog and learn more about connections and love.

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