How to Impress a Russian/Ukrainian Girl


Although tastes differ, many men will agree that Russian or Ukrainian women are the most beautiful women in the world. However, comeliness of Russian and Ukrainian ladies is not the only allurement that magnetizes men from the US and other western countries. Having a caring nature and being family-oriented, Ukrainian and Russian girls make perfect life partners and moms and this is what many men expect to get when they start dating with Ukrainian girls.

impress a girl

According to the latest statistics data, about 10 thousand foreigners are looking for a chance to date a beautiful Russian girl and finally get her as a partner. Though Ukrainian and Russian girls are also interested in dating foreigners, they rarely start dating a man only because he lives abroad, as they are also looking for intelligent and interesting men, able to impress them. So, men who think about dating with Russian girls should know how to impress them.

Here are a few simple recommendations that will help you impress Ukrainian girl.

Dress Nicely

Though it's not the gay coat that makes the gentleman, visual appeal is crucial for making the first impression. Most of Russian men are not concerned about how they look and tend to dress simply. Consequently, if you want to impress a Russian girl, you should do quite the opposite and dress prettily. Let your outfit make the first impression, and then you can win her heart with your rich inner world.

Make Compliments

You will hardly find a female who doesn't love compliments. Since Russian and Ukrainian women are not an exception, do not forget to mention how attractive, elegant or smart your lady is. However, try not to pitch it strong, as this may have a reverse effect. Throwaway compliments are usually the most powerful.

Be Romantic

Most women believe in fairy-tales and each waits patiently for that special moment when her own fairy-tale comes true. Every girl waits for a man who will live out her dreams. So why don't you become her wizard? The easiest way to do that is to make your lady feel special. Ask her for a romantic dinner with candles, hold a picnic in the most unexpected place or take a trip to a romantic place. Even the smallest manifestation of your romantic nature can impress Russian girl to the core.

Be Assertive But Stay a GentlemanUkrainian Girl

Many women appreciate man with a virile character. To interest Russian or Ukrainian girl you need to be assertive. However, try to keep the right balance and show your lady that her point of view does matter to you. Polished manners is another powerful weapon you should use when courting Russian/Ukrainian ladies.

Avoid Sexual Talks

Sexual talks are a taboo if you only start building your relationship. Also, avoid any jokes of sexual character. Let your lady initiate such talks, and she will definitely do this once she starts trusting you.

What Will Never Make Russian/Ukrainian Women Fall in Love with You

So, what will never impress these women?


Don’t make empty promises if you can’t keep them.

Excessive Jealousy

You lose respect in the eyes of these women if you obsessively control their every step. Learn to trust.


If you ask a Russian/Ukrainian woman to go out, then you have to pay for her.


Don’t be too emotional, sharing with her all your experiences and feelings. Don’t doubt yourself. Ukrainian and Russian girls don’t like it when men want to constantly hear that everything is fine in their relationship, that they have a good job, friends, etc.

Arrogance and Rudeness

Be condescending when communicating with people and don’t speak to them as if they are worse and stupider than you.

Bad manners

Don’t look at other women in a Ukrainian/Russian woman presence. And of course, you can’t flirt with others. Also, it looks strange if you talk about your past successes in relationships, and, at the same time, you don’t even open the door in front of the girl or don’t give her a hand if necessary.

Lack of Gentle Words

Ukrainian/Russian women need nice words and compliments. They just need it. Always.


It’s boring to communicate with a man who always acts according to a template and never surprises. Unpredictability and freedom attract Russian and Ukrainian women.

Controversy and bragging

It is bad if a man turns any conversation into a verbal battle. At the same time, a woman doesn’t feel comfortable, she has to defend herself, think about what she is saying. Dealing with such a man is stressful.

Lack of initiativeHow to Impress a Russian

Men often simply retreat when they hear no. Remember, you can’t easily achieve anything. Be persistent.


Communication can turn into an argument. After a while, the argument shows who is right and who is not. And if you are wrong, then you shouldn’t continue to argue. Just humble your pride and admit the fact that you are wrong. In a dispute, the truth should be born, not a quarrel.


When you have a date, don’t start telling what a huge salary you have and how many cars are in your garage, how handsome you are, etc. A man is determined not by his things, but by his actions, his inner world.


A man’s own opinion and confidence in what has been said are excellent. However, some guys are so convinced of personal uniqueness that they never compromise and categorically reject any differing opinions.

Foreigners, wishing to date Russian or Ukrainian girls should register with a dating site and start looking for a soul mate.

Comments (2)

I met a Russian girl once. She was amazingly beautiful, and she didn’t respond to my compliments at all as if I said some nonsense or she didn’t understand what I was talking about.
16.07.2020 14:26
Russian women are really beautiful. I would be happy to meet a girl from Ukraine or Russia one day and try all tips from this article. I see many Russian girls in Turkey every summer but I am too afraid to talk to them. Maybe I will be able to approach one of them and now will create a dating account here and chat online
27.10.2020 14:01

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