What to Get Your Girlfriend for Her Birthday


Wedding anniversary, Women's Day, Valentine's Day – there are so many holidays to prove your love and surround your beloved girl with attention. However, the birthday of your loved one is still the most important and long-awaited event. Men get lost, deciding what to get a girlfriend for her birthday.

Every guy begins to wonder long before this important day, “What should I get my girlfriend for her birthday to make a gift bright and unforgettable?” Sometimes it is very difficult for them to make a choice, to understand which gift will be the most original and necessary for a young lady. General advice and a few interesting ideas will help the representatives of the stronger sex find the right gift for their beloved ones. So, we’d like to tell you about the best birthday gift ideas for your girlfriend.

what to get your girlfriend for her birthday

Basic Tips

There are some simple but important rules that should not be forgotten when choosing a gift for a girl. Their essence lies in the proper preparation down to every last detail, without which the surprise cannot be complete.

1. When choosing a gift, rely on the tastes and preferences of your girlfriend. Remember what she likes, her hobbies and interests. Restore them in the memory to the smallest details. Perhaps she has accidentally mentioned in a conversation something about her long-time desire or dream. You have a chance to make her a surprise, making the dream a reality.

2. A gift should be neutral. If you do not have a single idea of what the girl wants or you have not known each other for a long time, try to present a neutral surprise that is needed by every woman.

3. Flowers are not a gift but a complaisant sign of attention. Remember an important rule – a bouquet of flowers is not a gift, which will be enough for an exhaustive answer to the question, "What to get my girlfriend for her birthday?" This is an additional attribute that will help you decorate a gift and add a note of romance to it.

4. Beautiful design and presentation is the first step to success. Sometimes a gift can be plain, inexpensive, and modest, but the original way of its presentation and an interesting gift package can make it the most expensive and memorable one.

Birthday Ideas for Your Girlfriend

Romantic relationships encourage people to special actions. Lovers tend to make each other pleasant surprises and delight with some wonderful things. Today, we are going to tell you some creative birthday ideas for your girlfriend to surprise her.

Candlelight dinner

At first glance, this is trite. But traditionally, it is women who prepare festive dinners, so on the day of her birthday, you can safely declare to your beloved one that she may not worry about dinner. Look for interesting recipes of dishes, choose romantic music, light candles and put a box with a gift next to the girl's plate. Such an act will surprise the girl and certainly please her. This is one of the most romantic birthday gifts for a girlfriend.

what should i get my girlfriend for her birthdayCome on a date in a limousine

Such a big entrance will definitely surprise your beloved girl. You can have a great time in the large limousine, listening to romantic music and drinking champagne. Then you can go to a restaurant or home, where you have prepared a wonderful dinner. If you are going to go to a restaurant, then prepare your girlfriend in advance, warning that a surprise is waiting for her and that she needs to wear the appropriate outfit.

Order a carriage

Every girl wants to feel like a princess who, after everyday working life, turns into wonderful beauty, sitting in a carriage with a charming prince. In the carriage, you can drink a bottle of champagne or your girlfriend's favorite wine, enjoying the beauty of your hometown.

Make a proposal

If you feel that your relationship has already grown into something bigger, you can make your girlfriend a proposal! And then this day will definitely be remembered for a lifetime. Surprise and plenty of positive impressions are guaranteed. Order a lifting crane and present a gift directly to the balcony of your beloved If heights do not bother you, you can order a lifting crane and present a gift to your beloved straight to the balcony or window of her apartment. Just check with the girl in advance at what time she will be at home or ask her not to leave the apartment within a certain period of time.

Birthday Quotes for Your Girlfriend

If you do not have the opportunity to congratulate the girl on her birthday in person, then you can simply send a beautiful birthday greeting. Try to find words that would be the most appropriate for a particular person, taking into account her occupation, desires, and aspirations. There are some ideas on what to write in a birthday card for the girlfriend.

  • Happy Birthday! Always stay as you are, beautiful, sunny, tender, and feminine. I wish you sincere smiles, true friends, and the atmosphere of a good fairy tale. May work holds joy, and life brings pleasure! Be happy, do not forget to live life to the fullest!
  • I wish your life to be a long journey, full of adventure and pleasant discoveries. May every day bring you a holiday, and night - a fairy tale! Happy Birthday!
  • May the fragrance of these beautiful flowers and the attention of loving people give pleasant moments and great happiness on your birthday!
  • Happy birthday, darling! May your life sound like beautiful music of happiness: sometimes like a funny melody of laughter; sometimes like a romantic ballad of love; but more often - like a classic of life harmony!
  • Happy Birthday! I wish you to get the most out of life, rejoice, love, create, learn, travel, and experiment! After all, life is one, and it is yours. Be as beautiful as the morning dawn, happy and successful!
  • I want to wish you more smiles on the cute face, a big carriage of health, an entire ocean of happiness, kilometers of a peaceful sky, loyal and reliable friends, and, of course, the care of loved ones.

Birthday Present Ideas for Your Girlfriend

Her main day of the year will be quite soon, but you still do not know what to present? Choosing thoughtful birthday gifts for a girlfriend is not an easy task. After all, it must be not only interesting and useful but also original. Believe us, you do not need to go to extremes (get a second job, plunge into debt, or take a loan) to please with a present! A good gift does not mean expensive. A good gift is one that is chosen with love. We are in a hurry to help you and offer the best ideas on what to get your girlfriend for her birthday. She will definitely appreciate the gift!

1. Jewelry

Jewelry made of precious metals is a reliable keeper of memories, a symbol of positive emotions and one of the best birthday gifts for a girlfriend for any occasion. Today, stores offer a large selection of jewelry for every taste and budget. Look at what kind of jewelry your loved one wears more often - silver or gold. There is a life hack: look, maybe your girlfriend is subscribed to some jewelry stores on Instagram. Perhaps she even puts likes on things she wants. Become a kind of Sherlock. If you are afraid not to guess with a gift, ask relatives and friends of your girlfriend to help you.

You can give, for example, bracelets, charms, pendants, earrings, lavaliers, and necklaces. But you should better avoid giving a ring if you do not plan to make a proposal on this day.

2. Cozy gifts

If your girlfriend is a real preserver of the hearth, give her something that will make her house even more comfortable and cozy. For example, it can be decoration elements like various vases, photo frames, wall clocks, and interior decorations. Something for the bedroom: a soft blanket, stylish cushions, a cute night light, or a bathrobe.

However, don't get her aroma candles – all people pick up the smell very individually. Dishes or kitchenware are too household gifts.

3. Devices

Nowadays, we simply cannot imagine our life without phones, laptops, tablets, and other things that significantly simplify our daily tasks. Birthday is a really great holiday when you should give something appreciable, especially if you have been together for a long time.

You can give a new phone, high-quality headphones, an e-book, a smartwatch, a tablet, or even a laptop - it all depends on financial possibilities. But you shouldn't give household appliances. You can give home utensils for some other holiday, but on the birthday, everything should be for one person – your girlfriend. Although, if you know that she has long wanted a coffee machine, then feel free to buy it.

best birthday gift for girlfriend4. Hobby gifts

If your girlfriend has an interesting hobby, she will be happy to get something that can be useful in her passion. The main thing to remember is that this is about your girlfriend's hobbies and not about typical female interests. For a sporty girl, you can give skis, roller skates, skates, snowboard, and bike – depending on the sport she loves. For a needlewoman it will be a set for scrapbooking, a box for storing trifles, a picture by numbers, a set of brushes or paints, and even a new sewing machine – just think what your girlfriend lacks for creativity.

Do not give sportswear and shoes: it is difficult to choose such clothes without fitting. Moreover, it is important for a girl that the sneakers match the color of the tracksuit. Frankly speaking, there are many nuances.

5. Impressions

It is not necessary to give a gift that you can hold in your hands. The main thing is one that remains in the soul and memories. Most girls are very romantic and sentimental. Think about how your loved one prefers to spend her free time, what she dreams about, what a brave act she has long been going to commit. Moreover, the choice is huge, starting with a balloon flight, an extreme parachute jump, and a flight in an aero tube to a concert ticket, a trip to an amusement park, or a joint trip abroad. Something from the list of our ideas will certainly please your girlfriend!

You can present certificate for a professional photo session, a trip to an interesting country, extreme entertainment, courses or lessons (depending on her interests: cooking, make-up, driving school, etc.), ballooning – in summer, or dog-sledding – in winter. However, if you are not sure that your girlfriend really wants it, forget about this item.

6. Cosmetics

A universal gift for a girl at any stage of relationships is high-quality cosmetics. Ask a store consultant to help you in choosing the best birthday gift for the girlfriend. You can give perfume, eyeshadows, a set of professional makeup brushes, lipstick, and a certificate to a cosmetic shop. But don't buy cosmetics for face and skin care – it is selected individually according to a skin type.

7. Development and new knowledge

This is an incredibly valuable gift. After all, almost every modern girl seeks to develop her abilities and increase the level of knowledge in the area of interest. Think about a course of the art of makeup with a popular master, a ticket to the speech of a successful businessman, photography course, or English classes. By the way, a good book will be a better gift than an ordinary teddy bear. But, if you are going to give a book, try to ask the girl if she has read this work before.

8. Fulfillment of her life's dream

The fulfillment of a dream is what to give a girl for her birthday if you want to get the maximum delight in your address. For this, you need to know exactly what your loved one dreams about. Listen carefully what the girl is constantly talking about or ask her relatives. Having received a dream-gift, she will definitely be happy!

To sum up, choosing a gift for your girlfriend is not easy. But in fact, women value care, love, and attentiveness most of all. Focus on it and just be sincere in your actions and words. Let the girl feel the most beautiful, the most beloved, and the most important for you. And don't forget about the flowers.

Comments (1)

My girlfriend is a great animal lover. Therefore, I’m going to give her a cute puppy. I think she will be incredibly happy!
16.07.2020 16:14

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