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Read interesting tips about relationships.

  • 04.10.2019 How to Be a Good Boyfriend for a Young Girl
    As a rule, girls try to choose guys who are at least a little older than them. It seems to lonely women seeking men that an adult man will be more experienced in relationships, and he will be able to become real support for her. Peers also attract their attention because they have many common topics and interests, and a girl will never be bored with such a guy. So, how to stand out from the rest of the men and become the best if the woman is young? And what is a good boyfriend?
  • 03.10.2019 She Doesn't Love Me Anymore: Signs and Tips
    If a man suspects that something is wrong in their relationship with a girl, then it is worth considering "signs that she doesn't love me anymore." After all, you intuitively feel a decrease in her interest rate. In this case, you need to try to understand what your fears are connected with. After all, it was not out of the nothing that you suddenly had suspicions that your girlfriend was losing interest in you.
  • 03.10.2019 Communication Problems in a Relationship: How to Fix It
    You may love a person with all of your heart, but some minor things that they do or the way they live their lives and affect yours just drive you crazy. But how can you avoid such collisions and disagreements? What is the biggest communication problem? How does a union without relationship communication problems look like?
  • 29.08.2019 I will be single forever?
    After a breakup, every person fears that close relationships will not be repeated in his or her life. It seems that young women seeking men will do that endlessly, and men do the same just to fill a loss with someone. Thoughts on staying single forever worry those who have recently had a difficult experience. Not every man knows what needs to be done to cope with this state and, in general, whether it is a bad experience or chance to revise own life.
  • 26.07.2019 Bored in relationship: How to deal with it?
    Can long-distance relationships work? Researchers from the American Center for the study of relationships at a distance (yes, imagine, there is one!) include the latest economic situation and the Internet into the list of the root causes for divorces. The conclusion, in general, is obvious: the increasing mobility of the workforce does not affect the quality of personal life in the best way and contributes greatly to the cost of a relationship at a distance.
  • 03.07.2019 Should i double text?
    We tend to believe that modern dating is easier than it was a century ago, as it involves fewer rules and traditions. You can find a lot of people who cry over period dramas and then complain that nowadays people have completely forgotten that true romance requires certain rules.
  • 19.06.2020 Signs she doesn t want a relationship with you
    Dan Brown once said, “Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.” This quote is used by many people who have ever set a goal and marched towards it. This statement works both in career achievements and in personal life. For example, a girl tells a guy, “I don t want to be in a relationship,” but he can still have good chances to win her attention even if it’s not the easiest task in the world. Many guys give up at the very beginning of the journey because they don’t understand the reasons for such behavior especially when a girl says she doesn't want a relationship but keeps texting.
  • 31.05.2019 Staying together for the kids after infidelity
    Does Staying Together For the Kids Work? To answer the question, “Does staying together for the kids work?” we must first analyze a marital conflict from the perspective of a child.
  • 16.04.2019 How to stop passive aggressive behavior?
    Nobody likes aggressive people. They are hostile, scandalous, insulting, and rude – all their actions are aimed at harming another person. But fighting down the anger is often considered a much smaller evil, but it sometimes manifests itself very strangely and causes absolutely the same pain. In psychology, there is such a term as passive aggression. Let's make out what it is and find answers to the questions, "What does passive-aggressive mean in a relationship?” and “How to stop being passive-aggressive?”
  • 15.04.2019 How to create sexual tension
    Each of us thought that they lacked sexual attraction. Do you know what sexual tension between a man and a woman is? Sexual attraction is a special behavior of two people towards each other, the ultimate goal of which is mutual sexual satisfaction.
  • 27.03.2019 Signs Your Boyfriend Is a Beta Male
    In everyday life, we can observe different types of men. Some are courageous and self-confident, others are nice non-conflicting guys, and still others are mother's boys who are running away from responsibility.
  • 25.03.2020 How to react when someone lies to you in relationships?
    People lie and keep something quiet for a variety of reasons. They consider this something innocuous and irrelevant, they believe they protect their partners from the unpleasant truth this way, or they just chicken out and cannot be sincere. Anyway, hiding something and lying about even the smallest things really does undermine your relationship. No matter what type of lying in relationships you have faced, everything depends on your reaction and whether you can get out of this situation with the partner or you have to break up.
  • 21.03.2019 Why online dating doesn't work for guys?
    Crazy pace of life, going to work, meeting friends, working out at the gym, and work again. How can you make the time to meet a girl? Where to meet her, what to say, how to talk? So much energy is wasted on all this, that many men simply give up the search of a partner and live a quiet bachelor life.
  • 27.02.2019 Giving someone the silent treatment speaks volumes about your character
    We all need some alone time, right? Partners are not constantly talking to each other all the time. Actually, it is quite fine to spend a day or two without talking to each other. Well, if that’s what you think of a romantic relationship, you might have problems. Cause most likely you are volunteering to become the victim of silent treatment.
  • 15.02.2019 What to Get Your Girlfriend for Her Birthday
    Wedding anniversary, Women's Day, Valentine's Day – there are so many holidays to prove your love and surround your beloved girl with attention. However, the birthday of your loved one is still the most important and long-awaited event. Men get lost, deciding what to get a girlfriend for her birthday.
  • 18.01.2019 Am I Dating a Psychopath? Here Are 10 Signs You Are
    The essential difference between unhealthy relationships and the deadly disease is that they can be done away with. The true cause of toxic relationships is a partner or a certain type of person to be more precise. Specialists call them differently, social "predators," psychopaths, tyrants, sociopaths, aggressors, and sometimes, narcissists.
  • 10.01.2019 Not ready to settle down in a relationship
    Any relationship should go to a new level sooner or later: people who love each other strive to become a family and give birth to children, and if they come up with dumb excuses, it means that they are not quite ready for some logical continuation of their relationship.
  • 28.11.2018 What every woman wants in a man?
    Women approach the choice of a life partner much more seriously, starting out not only from the external makings of a man but also from the character traits. In general, almost every woman has a list of basic masculine qualities that she looks for in a life partner. It may be simple sincerity and masculinity, or sometimes women need an intelligent, moderate, and determined man. Anyway, there are some masculine traits that attract absolutely all women.
  • 22.11.2018 Having Sex with Your Ex: Why and Why Not
    A relationship with an ex is a delicate issue. Someone breaks up forever, someone goes to war with the ex, and another one tries to remain friends. In addition, some people practice casual sex with their ex-loved ones. However, this sort of relationships has a lot of “pitfalls.” Why do people have sex with ex-lovers? The reasons may be different, for example, a person may want to return a partner and keep them.
  • 22.11.2018 What You Need to Know About Sex after 60 Years
    Scientists believe that bad habits cause the decrease in sexual activity. Non-smoking people have sexual intercourse twice as much as smokers. Male erections are badly affected by stress, overweight, depression, fatigue, arterial hypertension. It is necessary to return male drive after finding out the reasons for its loss. If you have health problems, then it's time to heal: to rest, give up bad habits, go in for sports, which will not only solve the problem of excess weight but also help increase testosterone levels in the blood.
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